Doom Scrolls Valuation in the current state of the game

That’s all I’m saying.
Is there a problem with availability of Doomed scrolls? Yes. Wholeheartedly agree.
Is it disingenuous to “value” it by taking bits and pieces from all over the place and assigning a $ value? Probably.

If we’re assigning $ values to things, then I stand by my assertion that new players entering the game are behind end gamers who have everything by millions of dollars of $ value. Yet magically if you let time do its magic, and play a bit, 12 months in and you’d have enough of a collection to be proud of and complete any event in.


Agreed on this point. Although I always considered myself a completionist/collector, this game has proved otherwise. In @Mithran 's quite eloquent post, they explain exactly why I opted for going with the flow instead of stressing. Sure, I use a bunch of keys to get the new legendaries and hope against hope to get the new mythics when they are released, but I have accepted that I’ll “eventually” get it. I’ll have been playing for 9 months at the turn of the year, and the many things that I thought “impossible” or “will take forever” have happened. I have a few kingdoms at level 15, two at power 12, and the only missing 56 troops (most of them mythics), managed to save for Dawnbringer and am 2 orbs of power away from Zuul.

All that’s to say, repeating what has been said and confirmed by this thread, forge scrolls are rare and GoW team has yet to capitalize on that scarcity. Will they keep it this way, “forcing” completionists to spend absurd amounts of gems/money to capitalize on this FOMO that, at current rate, would come back at the earliest in 65 weeks. Or, in addition to that, will they add it to adventure boards/daily offers? Likely the latter.

However, and again I’m relatively new to the game, we don’t know if they are already developing 6.0 and a whole different map. Or another currency besides war coins.

The only thing I can hope for right now is that they don’t restrict forge scrolls to shrines.