Do you like the new World Event? (From the Depths.) Poll & discussion

If you’re interested in seeing the names, you can actually search for troops’ toles with the troop filter. I can never remember what the little symbols represent, so if ever I want to know what role a troop is (ONLY ever happens when I’m considering Elite-upgrading a troop) you can either use the troop filter or just pull up the medal upgrade menu (where the role will be prominently displayed)

Undecided. There seems to be zero strategy involved. If I could figure out any kind of strategy, I might enjoy it more.


With kingdom restrictions the troops (often) have a kind of thematic mechanic and/or synergy. Also, since all kingdoms have 1-2 mythics, a handful of legendaries at best, it forces a bit of creativity and encourages a look at troops you might otherwise ignore. Also, because kingdom power levels are a big form of progress we are used to thinking in that grouping, and there are little bonuses such as pets.

With type restrictions there is again a thematic mechanic and thus often synergy. The mythics and commons are more scattered, but not wildly so. And again there is the pet bonus (and often you’ll get the kingdom bonus as well).

With color restrictions the pool is usually very open, most people probably shrug about it, they might only have to park their favorite troop or 2. Still, it does encourage a bit of building a synergy around creating many gems of that color.

Troop roles are a new addition which completely fails to hit any mark. It may be a well intended concept, but many troops have been classified in a way that completely contradicts their practical use. Additionally, the medal bonuses often end up boosting the most worthless stats. So the roles are already disliked.
Now the restriction for this current event includes 2 roles which are named similar but otherwise have no connection and additionally the troop needs to be purple because uhm… dark magic theme yo.
On the whole the restrictions on this event feel about as random as 'only troops whose name starts with a letter between S and Z.

TLDR: It’s not disliked because there are restrictions, it’s because the restrictions have no engaging value in this case.

And there are of course the issues with too many points needed and randomness etc.


Random point ARE BAD. Period.


It’s whatever, it’s every mode
Make the best team u can based on parameters, play, do it again next week
There’s nothing new they can do without fundamentally changing the game
U either like the game for what it is or u don’t
My only gripe is that we’re going to continue to get the same medal of seasons indefinitely

If they were smart, these medals would be huge buffs for kingdom troops usable in factions only
New medals, and solve faction team 500 run issues
It’s hard to tell if they are ignorantly inexperienced or purposefully trolling with everything they do
I’ve seen evidence of both over the years


I was really hoping this week’s world event would be something like, “Hey! Have you yet to max All Seeing Eye? Well, here’s your chance! This week we’re adding a unique medal to buff any delve attempts you make against Xerodar — good luck!”

I mean, I don’t want them making my stats so high I can one-shot the thing. But it could have been more interesting than the current World Events we have which, as others have pointed out, just feels like a more-limited Explore-grind.


I take offense to the fact that I apparently have to read a forums post to learn how it’s scored, and I have to memorize that post.


Higher rarity = more points. It’s dead simple… too simple to be enjoyable in fact.

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I don’t care if it’s easy. It’s silly that you join the event and see a screen with choices on it, but you have to go outside of the game to a forum post to find out how to make a choice.

I personally think how Delve levels work is stupid easy, that hasn’t stopped people from being confused by it for years.


It’s boring just like the last 2. You don’t have to think of a team. Just slap something together and win in two turns. Do missions higher color rarity first, then higher level. Buy the weapon, get all the val ravens, and use all your sigils…it’s mid week and still, only 2 turns to win a battle.

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Of course there is, the menu is clearly… below the visible screen and you have to scroll down to find it. But you can only filter on one troop type at a time, and the event allows two types.


Exactly, which is why I like it as well because it’s not ranked PvP; no one cares what you score, for the most part, and there is loot to be had for the taking. There’s rng, but there is a bit more strategy involved than the many slot games advertised in the game every 8 hours.

It’s hard to say “don’t like” but there’s not an awful lot to praise.

These events aren’t significantly different from other events, it’s just a different arrangement of “choose a fight and fight scaling enemies with sigils”.

The randomness in the scoring is frustrating, and now that they’ve done it twice it’s clear what they want. That means the only way to get a high score is buy sigils.

The map is an illusion of choice. 80% of the time I’m “choosing” between the same three encounters. It may as well be the PvP screen. I’m not even choosing my rewards when I have to make this “selection”, the rewards are rolled by dice.

If this is what we get from an entire quarter of refinement, I wish we’d switch to 2 updates per year. I’d much prefer a mode where my choices have impact and I make predictably higher scores from trying difficult challenges, like “win without an exploder or mana generator” or “bonus points if you don’t match red gems”.


I think the random scoring associated with the new events is to prevent numerous players charging off into the sunset and then settling on a particular score whereby 6 or 7 people get a power orb. I totally understand that and have always thought that in such “tie break” scenarios, an additional statistic (such as number of lost troops) should be employed so that only one orb is awarded per event. Occasionally power orbs are available in offers and they are certainly a much sought after and valuable commodity. So in that sense, I appreciate the strategy of random scoring. I also like that the fights on the map are reminiscent of space invaders. Ahh, the good old days.

That’s a fair point, I’m willing to bet addressing the tie “problem” is the aim of the randomized scoring.

I like your idea of having tiebreaker categories, and I think it meshes well with my idea that the matches could have strange directives that, if done in-game, result in bonus points. For some reason, my mind views a setup like “5 base points plus a potential 5-10 randomly awarded for meeting a goal” as “less random” even though it’s technically “5-15 points”.

I think in the end, it’s provable more players want a firm answer to, “How many tiers do I need to buy?” than there are players fighting for the leaderboard.

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I agree and @Redi1 seems to have provided the math. Our guild are in fact discussing this currently so that we kinda know where we stand in order to get the job done. Players like clear targets so your idea which combines base reward and a random element seems sensible. At the moment it’s all fuzzy logic; something I still don’t really understand despite years of control engineering on MATLAB lol.

I’m iffy on this. I enjoy creating teams w. restrictions on troops, roles and weapons, and making them function well. I like the medals that we’ve seen so far. But I’m not comfortable w. the WE scoring based on Collectables. It could just be a personal irritant, but getting the same amount of items (Mystic Eyes this week) for a level 10 battle and for a level 310 battle (same rarity battle) is off somehow. Add in the fact that this is the second time this year that my guild hasn’t finished the final event reward. And both times have been in World Events (the first and the third)? It’s made for a fairly grumpy guild. I’m hoping that when the next WE happens, the devs will consider that what made the second WE better is worth doing again.

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There wasn’t at least not on mobile at that time.