Do you like the Arena Revamp?

With the big revamp of arena they should rename the mode to “suffering” to reflect the new gameplay.

Instead of “to Heck with that” I might start saying “to Arena with that.”

Thankfully we have a few weeks before we have to play the arena event. I haven’t played an arena match today so I’m no longer stressed and angry, only bitter.

This arena update spent some of the good wood they earned by making stuff like deeds and power orbs not lose their value with the new books and enraged Kuranda. I was appreciative they didn’t create yet more currencies. Then 5.2 happened.

My heart goes out to those who play three arena runs a day for extra offers. I bow to them.


Just fixing things all day…


Beta tests are to catch up bugs or unintended behaviour of the game after path. Not for improvements of the patch. At least that’s what I see they are.

It’s a public forum, posting here means inviting everybody to join in and share their thoughts. For a conversation you’ll rather want to use something like mail.

While dissecting the subtle nuances of the English language promises to be a fascinating endeavor, I feel like it doesn’t really contribute much to the Arena Revamp topic. Sorry for not pouncing on the opportunity. :smile:


By the way, happened to notice. @Kafka, @Saltypatra, if the development team wanted to push such piece of … as Arena, why did they remove “perfect arena run” guild seals bonus?


I wish they would remove the daily offers so it can just be completely ignored. I feel compelled to suffer through them for the shot at an imperial deed, since they have starved us with them on the adventure board and they are necessary in many cases for faction only runs in level 500 delves.

I am not looking forward to any of the upcoming arena events, regardless of how good the rewards are. The mode is that frustrating.


Better not to enter :wink:


They took away the only thing that kept me alive.

I completely agree.

Still too soon for Final Judgment?

This company’s actions consistently speak for themselves (even if some enabling stances continue to claim that “just don’t play it”, in the same way that smokers can “just not smoke”, thus shifting the totality of the responsibility on the customer & therefore exempting the predatory practices): the fact is that Arena was slowed down by removing weapons, and an RNG-based deal was attached to it, to keep the gambling ongoing while having the figures show more people spending time grinding, which make$ the upstream happy.

It is their prerogative, no doubt: worth remembering though every time they speak of Ethics and Morals.
:relaxed: :vulcan_salute:


In my opinion, events like the new arena only encourage unhealthy levels of playtime due to the time required and the hunger some players have to claim it all…I for one will not participate in it, as the game has more than enough to do as is.

Constantly bolting on new content without the removal of old events is silly, as players are already seriously burnt out… Please consider the well being of your playerbase


Well I’ve done 4 arena runs total since its rework and I’ve not seen an offer worthy of my attention (300 gems for a medal of orpheus! You’re kidding right?).
I had a brief dabble with valour but there’s just no way I am enduring arena to reach valour 90 for a few shards. This game is way too overloaded by far and arena for me will remain where it belongs. On a dusty shelf alongside the myriad of weapons and troops that don’t have what it takes to make an appearance.


Ok, so the event is UP and I can answer to the question in poll.

Why i like the revamp? Because now i look at it daily, and before revamp i used to ignore it at all (haven’t played a single arena probaly for a year, before campaigns have started).

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I couldn’t agree more. I use to do at least 10 runs a week but now I will never touch it again and I will use gems to skip the task when it is needed for the campaign. I wanted to get the orb today from the arena event but 3 runs first that I won second that I won 3 battles and the third that I only won one battle was more than enough.

This is probably the worst change that has ever happened to GoW. Hero is needed in arena to asorb the huge damage done by doom skulls and to kill OP troops befor they can cast and one shot all our troops.


I don’t think a hero is required and I agree with hero removal as an idea. But it’s like they ripped off the duct tape holding together a broken structure and just left it there to collapse.

Hero spam isn’t the best use for Arena, but it was the thing that made it bearable. Right now, Arena isn’t team building, it’s draft spamming (finding a win condition) which is multiple times more painful than hero spamming.

The revamp has to be an overhaul from the foundations. I think the team has done everything in good faith recently but we need to stop wasting time with creating things that either don’t affect gameplay or encourage players to ruin their playing experience.


Honestly, I have to say this just feels like another out of touch event from the developers, who seem to be more interested in spamming us with more microtransactions than giving us anything enjoyable (judging by the amount of them I got in arenas today). It’s laughable to give an event which math wise would take 40+ hours to complete unless you some kind of wizard, with the worst possible time sync rewards for it. Not sure what they thinking anymore aside from dollar signs…


I have played a TON of Arena since the new patch, well over 50 runs, and I can 100% say that those runs were completely different than the runs I’m doing today for the Arena of Valor event. The AI has better troops in Arena of Valor than they ever did in normal Arena runs, and I’m being offered worse troops.

Those two things combined slow down Arena runs by a huge amount, which isn’t surprising that the devs would do that, given how they say the event is repeatable, but it takes more and more arena runs (valor) to get the same rewards, to the point where it’s impossible to get the next reward before the event ends.


100% agree. I’ve done at least 50 since it was “reworked” and did another 40 or so “mock drafts” I’m seeing a bunch more higher end teams.

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That’s probably just the real teams slowly displacing the initial filler teams. Strong teams that make it through all battles get added to the opponent pool, making runs more difficult for everybody. There’s a lot of Arena activity today, so I’d expect a fairly large difficulty spike.


I picture Salty stumbling across an early version of Arena made before heros were introduced to the game and announcing “Good news everyone, new content!” to an empty room.

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