Do burning marks carry over

Idols will be converted at the start of next season. Vp will be reset.

Will burning marks dissappear or do they carry over?
Need to know as i don’t want to hold if they dissappear but also want to not waste them on stuff that will dissappear.

Would love to take them into the new season.
Any clarity would be greatly appreciated


Bumping this up since I feel I/we need an answer and don’t want it to disappear into obscurity


I’d assume they carry over, but it’d be great to get some official answer to confirm this. I’d hate for players to lose out on something because they weren’t warned it would be lost.


Since no official reply, do we just assume that everything is going to be lost when a new season starts? Generally if nothing is said, it’s bad news…

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Write this question to Tacet the Terror or Sinnycool (the Omen of Rants) on Youtube.

They should know.

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come on, all sinny does is piss and moan. and had to mention he is free to play and implies he is better than everyone for that, i unsubbed to him years ago

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But maybe he knows an answer, nothing more.

Ah well, it is just a suggestion of many.

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Im sure if we keep this post “alive” they will respond eventually

Yeah, after the season rolls over.


From the zendesk article on PvP:

“When a PvP Season ends, a few things occur. A player’s total VP will reset to zero. This happens to Season Pass and Season Goals Progress too. Any un-redeemed Icons earned from Burning Chests will also be auto-converted to VP as a seasonal head start for the next PvP Season. The VP received is 10% of each Icons value and this VP received from auto-converted Icons doesn’t count towards Weekly VP when received.”

If they reset our Burning Marks / Chests it would be anarchy. Resetting anything that has real money spend attached (except Passes which are designed to have expiration) is unprecedented (Krakens please correct me).

Edit: they have since upped the Idol conversion to 20% (yay :roll_eyes:)


I have no burning marks for the them to take. They can’t take what i don’t have :laughing:. Until they remove silver marks from burning chests i will not even consider a purchase. No way am I paying real money for such a trash reward


I have 6 chests I can open and am happy to keep earning more. I won’t open any till Silver Marks are removed from the pool tho.


Burning chests should just be like shiny chests plain and simple. Tokens for troops and that’s it.

Do we get gold or other useless garbage from shiny keys? No. Enough of this nonsense. Starting next pvp season, I will post burning chests I leave unopened every week to show that I’m not being subjected to this horrible loot box system.

We should be rewarded for completing the pvp season pass and goals.

Not disappointed…


@Kafka, @Bramble: its a very simple question, i believe. i am not sure what’s the hesitation/suspense on confirming this?
Do they carry over or not? ive 90 chests which i have no intention of opening right now as i already have all immortals.

So please, could you let us know a simple one word answer - do they carry:

  1. Yes
  2. No

thanks in advance!


I have 70 burning marks. I’d like to know the answer to this question. I’m also willing to risk it to find out.


If they reset Burning Marks / Chests I’ll give everyone who :heart: this comment a dollar :laughing:


There’s no way they ain’t carrying over. People who purchased them only to lose them would be frothing at the mouth :sob:


I would have fully agreed there’s no way they wouldn’t carry over. But, then, why not just confirm that? Why aren’t they replying to this? Why stay so quiet about something so simple, and create confusion and anxiety that shouldn’t be there?

This is what’s annoying a lot of us about this game. Bad communication about simple stuff, like how things works and what chances stuff has. Why not just say stuff, especially when someone asks a simple question? Instead, they’d rather leave us in the dark, trying to figure it out for ourselves, and creating distrust between us and them. Especially when we’ve already caught them fiddling stuff, like dungeon chances for perfect runs. Not answering whether we get to keep something we may have paid for, when the deadline is looming fast, is really not gonna help players trust them.

I would love a response but it’s still just them saying that something isn’t going to happen when there’s never been any indication it was going to. Using Burning Chests before the end of the Season (unless needed for IG souls to complete Season Goals) solely because of community instigated & fueled fear is done at a player’s own (bad) choice.

Don’t forget to like the comment above for your chance to win $1 if I’m wrong!!!

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Hi all, Burning Marks are like Keys or other resources in the game, so they’re permanently in your inventory unless you use them to open the Burning Chests.

Sorry for the delayed reply.