Djinni in a Bottle

Originally published at: Djinni in a Bottle – Gems of War

New Epic Troop: Dark Djinn Bottle The Dark Djinn Bottle will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time. World Event: Key to the Crown There are 6 battles that players can encounter during…

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I don’t know why this did not auto publish, along with the blog going live.


Perhaps you could put the info directly in the game, rather than having to rely on auto-posting on the forums?


This is feedback I have mentioned before. Same with the calendar I make monthly.


Any chance that our feedback somehow gets forwarded to the wrong target, like some old mailbox only Salty (who left years ago) has access to? This particular feedback about world event scoring has been given multiple times over the past years, we never heard anything back.


No, it definetly does not - as I speak to people directly and there is a QOL spreadsheet to document feedback from “CX” which is shared with the team.


I can’t help but wonder what that spreadsheet has been used for the past several years. Is it getting printed to paper a lot?

How about some baby steps? There seems to be a very prominent misconception that world events get much more exciting by sporting two wildly arbitrary scoring currencies, like Troll Earwax for 7 points and Unicorn Farts for 3 points. As much as some content designer seems to be having fun (at our expense), players don’t really want to calculate that a battle for, say, 4 Troll Earwax and 6 Unicorn Farts as shown in the battle result screen is actually worth 46 points. Keep it to a single scoring currency, always worth 1 point each, so the battle above would yield 46 much more straightforward McGuffins instead. This doesn’t require any coding changes, just someone actually willing to make the game a little less miserable for players.


I truly don’t mean to bash on anyone here @Jeto - honest question. Is there a way we could get an update on this more than just that it’s been passed along? Even if it isn’t being implemented soon, I’d love to even just know what the barriers are. To my non-game-designer brain, this seems like a very simple implementation; there is already a spot where the team manually puts text for world events, and the team knows the scoring…

This is feedback that has been consistent since the introduction of World Events. Requiring external resources to be able to score effectively seems like a glaring design flaw with a simple fix. I’d love some insight into why this has taken 5 years and counting to be addressed.

Quote from when World Events were introduced (emphasis mine):

(Interesting that World Event scoring items have never been given for anything other than winning battles, as opposed to the variety of methods mentioned in the quote… but that’s neither here nor there.)