Devs, when are we getting new dragons?

the new floral dragons have been anticipated for some time, historically (the last two sets) the dragons have dropped late in the year. can you shed some light on this please?


I’m interested too. Will they come before GWs update? Or along with it?

I still cant get all the previous dragons and dont have Stella yet! Please dont add more to my plate lol.


she has been in game for over a year, you must have real bad RnG. im sat looking at 16K dragonite and others have got more.

The developers would have to care about the community in order to be transparent and to communicate. As you see none of that ever happens.

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First set of dragons were in August 2022. Not exactly “late in the year.”

Second set in December 2023.

Dunno why some people expect devs to give us an exact release date on this kinda stuff just because they have seen the troops on spoiler sites (and still in an unfinished state) for some time :man_shrugging:

My RNG is bad for everything in this game and always has been. I didn’t get all the OG dragons until 6 months after the newest ones came out. I have been missing the 6th dragon for forever, but i sure do have 8 of a couple others. The one Im missing hasnt been in the forge yet either unless I completely missed it one week over the holidays


Plus, and im sitting at 1400 dragonite, I will still have to save enough dragonite for the weapons and then Stella. With my rate of perfect runs that will be another 6 months


Do you play PvP? With gold marks you can get Dragonite too. Even if books seem to be more important, I stopped getting them and focused on DG for 2 or 3 weeks and finally got Stellarix 6 months earlier than expected. So I highly recommend doing that.

Do you get more Golf Marks for being in the winning Alliance? I have never been in the winning group and have bought dragonite with marks, but Im now running super low on marks. My internal problem is when i get to about 1k Dragonite and the dragon I still need isnt in the forge i give into temptation and say “theres no way I get a 6th straight purple dragon!” Then my dumb self opens an egg and Lucy pulls the football away yet again

I’ve always been in there, so I can’t tell how much you would get elsewhere. As far as I know it’s no stat bonus but gold marks 5 days a week for us. Do other factions give any gold marks at all?

Either way I’m sitting on 4x Diamantina and 4x Stellarix. But I also do full Underspire runs and use a lantern on the Dragonite boss battle. It adds up.


I do the same thing as well. 400 dragonite a month by using a lantern on Diamantina, so over the course of the year, you get 4,800 dragonite, which is much more reliable than perfect runs from daily dungeons.

Maybe we will have to collect a new resource for these new dragons. Wouldn’t be the first time, and it won’t be the last. At this point, I don’t get my hopes up, so I’m less disappointed.:rofl:


I dont chase the dragon… I slay them.

These are the little things I didnt know for whatever reason. I do Underspire, but have never been past the 3rd Dragon. How far in is it? I appreciate the advice as i will start doing it from now on. As for alliances you dont get any weekly gold marks of not in the winnig alliance. I get the 80 from the weekly tasks, but thats it

The new dragon eggs should have a new resource to open. That would be awesome!

Yeah, right! The new resource should be flowers pots - grow your own flower dragon!


Dragonite is given for the very last one diamantina. Best reward is the major glory orb which is the last but one

The real question should be when is the Dungeon getting a rework? The least they could do is implement a pity system which if, you trigger one trap, you’re only rewarded 60 Dragonite, but trigger both, you only get 30. That way we don’t walk out empty-handed.



This is a really big help. Thank you

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