Devs i hear you like money- 2 ideas

i am not going to flesh these ideas out because they are self explanatory

i have an tow ideas for paid features

  1. auto collect tribute even when not playing 6.99 a week

  2. true auto play 3x1 hour a day with and hours cool down between 4.99 a week.

the reason for 1) gems that would be missed when sleeping, and 2) periods where you may be busy and can just let the game go about its business,

Interesting idea, but I’ll ask you if you want my honest opinion. It’s obvious, but I feel like it may derail your idea. Its not an inflammatory response though.

Having the game play itself is a no-go in my book. Paying for the game to play itself sounds like a nightmare. I get the reasoning behind it, but the negatives outweigh the positives by far for me.

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Pretty much this. Its all about resources. This would allow a paying player, to amass huge amounts of gems and gold from static play. The divide it would create, would be huge. Shared accounts and natural grinders (from a rate of grind compared to “casual” play) far outpace what they could build up, in the time they have. This would be far too close to pay to win.

For the sake of gems integrity, Id be wholly against it. A good compromise, would be them giving you a larger tribute window, time wise. Dont they already have auto-play in the game? Dont think im shooting your idea down OP. As a max vip player, im keenly aware of how a person who spends can affect the game. While there will always be a great divide amongst players, this game offers many equalizers. Vault weekends being the prime example.


So let me get this right you want to spend money “not to play” the game. Mmmmm interesting XD


Shows how badly the game is designed, I guess. :joy: