Devs Gifts Of Christmas

I’m just over here laughing at the speculation because the 12 days get even sillier.


Gold Rings are in no way “hoards a-heaping” :roll_eyes:

Would it have really broken the economy to make these genie’s lamps, or sacred treasures?

First of these we’ve gotten that’s made me sad, because it really feels like a troll -y noob-trap :frowning:


Eh, might be easier to pretend that these Gold Rings were expected by some for Day 5.

To me, I guess Im surprised by revisiting the Gold Rings concept later in the 12 days. Mission accomplished?

11 Baby Beards!? Holy crap Salty, thank you! I can ascend it now! :smiley:


Ditto! A significant number of pets, much appreciate it! I would have preferred a cosmetic pet, those are harder to get, but this is great too :slight_smile:


I agree the 12 days contest is mostly good. But when will DEVS fix the issues we keep complaining about? While a few gifts is nice, what would be better is actually catering to what your players are asking for. I don’t think you will pacify your players or mollify them by providing a few 12 days of Christmas gifts; rather, if you actually implement the improvements that have been asked about for many years, you will see an uptick in your engagement metrics and also in your customer spending. @Saltypatra

Uh, creepier*? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :grimacing:


awh i was hoping for Twelve Orbs a Blueing :rofl:

The treasures weren’t even the valuable ones — you’d have to really be dreamin’ to think they’d give away ascension orbs :rofl:


Thank you for the presents (especially Beelz!) and a nice gesture.


Definitely a fun event. Glad it got brought back

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This was a lot of fun. Thanks so much.

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Hi DEVS, thanks for the Nutcracker troop. Very nice Christmas day gift!

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