Devour not working when entangled

I think Entangled has always had what players consider a bad interaction with stat boosts. I remember a similar thread indicating stat gains via Runic Blade weren’t working via Entangled.

Player opinion was divided.

Some people believe the way Entangle should work is to “hide” your Attack stat. So if you obtain any bonus while entangled, it will be reflected when the status ends.

Reality seems to be Entangle hard-sets your Attack to 0, and resets it to whatever it was when entangled after the status ends.

I don’t remember if the devs chimed in.

This is… fairly old. I found this thread when double-checking, and it’s from 2016: Entangle vs Attack Modifier Issues (Recap/Update/Suggestions)

The devs DID chime in there and… it looks like never got around to it.

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