Delves: Strategies, tactics and tips

Just beat Silver Necropolis with Hoard 100 no potions first try after medal update. All I can recommend is don’t do it at Hoard 100. Beating on an enemy Bone Golem for 33 skull damage with resummons feels so futile when the enemy casts for 124 armor.

It took me 30 minutes alone to kill off the last room Bone Golem.

1st Room was easy

2nd Room was against Viper Nest. Death Mark made short work of this room, but not before Viper got a cast off on my Bone Golem killing my second slot. Vanya resummoned a second Bone Golem. Eh.

3rd Room started off strong. I managed to contain the enemy Vanya Soulmourn to only cast once despite the enemy Vanya being blessed for a majority of the fight. That’s good since at Hoard 100, I wouldn’t be able to survive a second cast, even with 3 Yasmine/Gaard Medals. Because of that, I went with 3 Nysha medals instead.

At one point, the AI managed to kill my top 2 troops and left my 3rd slot in a skull trade. (2 3 matches on the opposite side of the board, no way to break it up). My 1st Vanya died from that, which probably extended the length of the match by a significant amount. Fast forward a bit:

Final battle between me and 1 Bone Golem

Skull hits did around 33 damage. My Vanya only casts for 57 damage on average. Draugr drains mana and creates purple and Necrocorn creates 10 gems, 50% chance of that being purple when not cast on Draugr. A green storm also showed up every time one of my troops died because of Viper Nest.

I only really did enough damage from chip damage to keep it within 300-500 armor range with my best milestone at around low 200ish. With only one Vanya I tried a few different tactics and found nothing really worked to speed up the battle. Everything I did tend to favor the AI.

At some point it made sense to me to build up a random Bone Golem spawned in 3rd slot. I had a plan to let my top 2 troops die when that Bone Golem finally reached 1000 attack. The AI had other plans. At one point, it managed to grab 2 skulls in a row to kill my top slots while my Vanya wasn’t full. I managed to get a few skull hits in, though took 1 in the process. I forgot that I gained armor from casting my Bone Golem (despite having that drilled in that is the only reason the AI is still alive) and survived the 1 skull hit.

My Vanya Soulmourn filled during the exchange, which I then casted. … Was that a mistake? I don’t know. The enemy could no longer 1 shot my Bone Golem immediately, but I was back to doing chip damage. After exchanging some chip damage and a few enemy casts, my top slot eventually died. A turn later, I was in a position to win.

Another 0 points for me.

The team is still
Bone Golem
Vanya Soulmourn
Vanya Soulmourn
Silver Banner