Lyrasza’s Lair (Shentang)
Faction title: Tower of the Mad Mage
Faction map name: Mad Mage’s Tower
Start room: Lyrasza’s Descent
Finish room: Lyrasza’s Sanctum
Faction info: Deep within the Underworld a mad mage was imprisoned in a broken tower.
Added: 21st February 2020
GoWDB link:
Faction weapon (Staff of Insanity):
Faction pet (Sad Panda):
Another delve with 7 occasional treasure rooms, and somewhat user-friendly plan too, but not too evident (like Illithia). We see 4 lines of rooms here:
- 1st line - Start
- 2nd line - II and III rooms
- 3rd line - IV and V rooms
- 4th line - Finish
Any room passed in the 2nd line opens you access to the 3rd line. I didn’t draw 12 arrows to show all variants, I just collected 3 arrows from 2nd line rooms into a fictitious “dot”, and 4 arrows to 3rd line rooms start from this “dot”. That’s how this delve works. You may choose any of 12 paths to make a short run through it.
Again, all 7 rooms may be treasures, but, like in Illithia, I saw maximum 3 of them to be actual treasures at once.