Delves: all about rooms and plans

Illithia (Dhrak-Zum)

Faction title: Servants of the Hive Mind
Faction map name: Illithian Temple
Start room: Illithian Cortex
Finish room: Mind Palace
Faction info: A surprisingly advanced race of creatures, all controlled by the malicious Hive Mind.
Added: 24th July 2020

GoWDB link:
Faction weapon (Forbidden Tome):
Faction pet (Hamsterthalamus):

A delve with a user-friendly plan, so to say. If you make this delve many times, you see that any room may be treasure, but I saw maximum 3 treasure rooms at once here. Maybe it can be 4 or even 5, but it’s very rare events. I suspect that each treasure room lowers chances for other occasional treasures to become actual treasures.