Tinker Town (Adana)
A delve with 3 firm treasure rooms.
Faction title: Where Tinker Dwarves Dwell
Faction map name: Steamwhistle’s Workshop
Start room: Factory Entrance
Finish room: The Master Forge
Faction info: Tink Steamwhistle, the most revered ancestor of the Tinker Dwarves, has built a huge mechanical city here (and gone mad).
Added: 28th August 2020
GoWDB link: http://gowdb.com/kingdoms/3045
Faction weapon (Tinker’s Buzzblade): http://gowdb.com/weapons/1370
Faction pet (Pet-o-bot): http://gowdb.com/pets/13145
Like in City of Thieves, treasure rooms vary from “II - II - II” to “IV - V - V”.
One of “uniform” factions: more Mech for Adana.