Delve chest pulls archive

Interesting info to consider how good your drop rate are.

Your total room multiplier (0.5-4.0) also multiply the resourse you got, including Chaos Shards.

For Chaos Shard, Hoard Quality doesn’t matter except for increasing Delve Chest Level. The worse drop you could get is 1 or 2 (3×0.5) when choosing to play Delve at 10 level lower, with Delve Chest level 1. The best you could get is around 200 (6×10×4.0) when choosing to play Delve at 10 level higher, with Delve Chest Level 10.

For other resources, it’s 60-80 Legendary/Mythic Ingots, 12,000-16,000 souls, 1,200-1,600 glory, or 480,000-640,000 gold in single Delve run.