What’s the best Talents and Team for Deathknight?
Deathknight is better than most give it credit for.
It has acess to Lightning Strike, Banishment and Chill of Death which can be used with a looping team to create 100% freeze on next opponent if you are using aoe damage. Things like using Gobtruffle or Beetrix to kill, get 100% freeze on another troop and go again work nice with CoD. So you can kill 1 troop, freeze another, go again, kill, freeze another etc. It’s one of the few times that you can actually use Icy Veil - Blue Storm, without interfering with anything dramatic at 20 Talent.
It lacks it’s own 50% start, but you can use the Ghost Queen for that, but that’s actually a slight problem because it’s 2 slots filled to accelerate start. Deathknight does however have warded at least, so it’s DM resistant.
I use Deathknight more than Frostmage with loopers tbh, for the 100% freeze (except impervious/insulated) and starting blue storm. Marilith/Venoxia/Queen B/ Hero ->Crescendo/ Rope Dart/L&D all do okay, even in PvP, Blue storm on, Trident banner. Can also use the Brown storm if using more brown troops.