So this is my first post ever (I’m level 1300, I’ve been around the game for a while), and it’s a complaint/request.
It could just be me having extremely horrible luck, but I’ve noticed a drastic increase in how often Death Mark activates. In the past several months Death Mark feels like it has gone from a 10% chance of death on consecutive turns to 50% chance of death on the first possible turn, and 90% chance on the second. This has been annoying me for some time, but today I finally cracked because I performed the worst in Guild Wars than I have in the past year.
My opponents almost all were using some variation of a Life & Death team, and thus death mark was a given, so I equipped 3 Orpheus medals. In every fight my troops were death marked, and my last troop instantly died in 4/5 fights. Annoying, but I have learned to expect this, so I don’t mind that part on its own. The problem comes when that happens to the rest of my team.
In each fight on this day, with exception of the first, I lost half of my team to death mark activating on the first possible turn. The final fight was the most egregious though, my entire team died same way. Now, one could say I’m at fault for not having a troop that cleanses on my team, well, I did. I had a cleanser and 3 Orpheus medals.
You can not possibly convince me that a 10% chance occurred on the first possible turn 10 times between 4 fights. Something is wrong, Personally, I would just prefer if this mechanic was removed from the game entirely, because literally dying to RNG is pretty dumb. But since that obviously won’t happen I’d like to advocate for a decrease in the chance of death, to 5% preferably. And if that won’t happen either, hopefully this will at least garner enough attention that the developers will take a look at the coding.
I realize this was only from a sample of 4 battles, but that’s only because this post doesn’t need to be any longer. But this scenario occurs constantly in PvP as well.
But hey, there’s always still the chance that I just have the worst luck ever.