Just to continue on from these results, we have conducted more extensive testing across the weekend.
For more information on how these tests are run, here is a breakdown on how we have conducted these tests
- These tests are run in the PvP environment. This means there is no interference with any luck/combo breaker code.
- To keep things fair, we have the following rules for picking teams
- Teams are formed by picking random troops from the complete troop pool
- Each troop is level 15 with NO traits (As to stop any trait interference)
- Both players are given the exact same team, as to ensure that any spells cast (like mana generators) are given an equal chance to cast these spells
- If a game takes longer than 20 minutes, the game ends and deems it to be a stalemate, and continues onto the next round
Over the past 72 hours, we have produced and analysed 2024 unique battles using the same scoring system according to @Sirrian 's post to produce the following results:
LUCK SCORES (based on weightings above)
Average Player Luck Score: 23.153
Average AI Luck Score: 22.982
Difference in Luck Scores - the human player was on average 2.62% luckier than the AI player
LUCKY GAMES (counting number of games and the associated luck score)
Games with Equal Luck: 58
Games where the Human was Luckier: 1007
Games where the AI was Luckier: 959
Difference in Lucky Games: The Human player was luckier in 1.22% more games
CASCADES (number of cascades which occurred in a match)
Average Player Cascades: 36.534
Average AI Cascades: 36.894
Difference in Cascades - the human player had on average 1.88% more games with more cascades than the AI player
4 OF A KIND MATCHES (number of 4 of a kind matches performed by each player)
Average Player 4 of a Kind Matches: 5.744
Average AI 4 of a Kind Matches: 5.514
Difference in 4 of a Kind Matches - the human player had on average 1.88% more games with more 4 of a Kind Matches than the AI player
5+ OF A KIND MATCHES (number of 5+ of a kind matches performed by each player)
Average Player 5+ of a Kind Matches: 2.217
Average AI 5+ of a Kind Matches: 2.136
Difference in 5+ of a Kind Matches - the human player had on average 6.72% more games with more 5+ of a Kind Matches than the AI player
BOARD MATCHES (number of board moves which each player has taken)
Average Player Board Moves: 26.049
Average AI Board Moves: 26.734
Difference in Board Moves - the AI player had on average 1.09% more games with more board matches than the human player
SPELLS CAST (number of spells cast by each player)
Average Player Spells Cast: 6.577
Average AI Spells Cast: 5.627
Difference in Spells Cast - the human player had on average 18.33% more games with more spells cast than the AI player