Dance of Dragons

I like this new legend it’s good for dealing with Ubastet just get so much life that they can’t even kill the weakest

This could be pretty annoying on defense


I think their plan is to make so many overpowered divine troops that no one can decide which combination is the best. That will give us the “diversity” in the meta that we’re all clamoring for.

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Diversity-Divinity, close enough almost the same word, we won’t spot the difference!

The devs devised divines to divide

Perhaps they need a divine intervention?


I don’t really find the new legendary super useful. It’s a little bit too random/limited and gaining life isn’t enough of a cherry on top of the explosion to keep pace with other divines. I haven’t played with her fully traited so that might change my mind, but I have to either give up a mana accelerator or a beater like Ubastet to use her so I think in the higher-end teams she’s just too variance. I want to say Divinia is a B+ but I bet in practice she’ll be at best a C+.

I’ve found Lord Ember pretty useful, though. Surprisingly putting it where I normally put Ubastet didn’t seem to do much bad to my win rate even though it’s not Divine! Converting mana is a dang powerful mechanic. I might try it in the lead position for my old dragon team, too. This guy feels like a solid B+.

For all the talk about exploders, I think converters are way more useful.

From Maxx’s screenshots I can see troops getting Submerge and Enrage, so that answers half my question. Hopefully will either get the troop or see more screenshots to confirm if Barrier and Enchant as well.

There’s a couple of ways to test it:

Divinia, since the troop is out
Hero Class with the Knowledge Talent Tree: very 1st Tier level, Serendiptity: Give a random ally a random status effect.

To answer your question, yes, it does get those 2.

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Ember looks useful, but is heavily hamstrung with his 2 color/12 mana starting cost, which is an eternity in the current meta for something that only has a support role.

Divinia looks really good tools wise, but has anti-synergy with a lot of the current best (divine) setups due to her colors and is defensively oriented. Any of the good blue/green accelerators work better at getting to a point where you are making things dead, and when you’ve made all the things dead, you win. Gaining life generally isn’t a win condition, and she is pretty slow to be a primary generator. Better on GW setups where you are more limited.

Both the weekly troops at least have synergy with each other, which is a nice touch.

That’s a good point on Serendipity. Does it do it once at start of battle and does not refresh it later?

Yeah re: Ember I feel like that I could sub it into Divines without noticing much is more a testament to how stupid Divines is: it really only needs 3 troops to function and so long as the 4th does “something relevant” it feels strong.

yup, only applies at the start of battle the one time

Its a lot better than you give it credit for.

Divinia + storm = multiple casts of life gain to protect vs Ubastet.
Still easy to fill Infernus or Ubastet because their 3rd color isnt blocked.
Easy to refill a Green/Blue accelator because totally unblocked.
3rd Trait can pop barriers all over the place (enchant and submerge can be good too, enrage… eh)
Synergizes with Ketras, and or generally pushes the near 100 life Divine teams into the mid 100 life range easily, making them pretty hard to kill with anything not Divine.

Synergizes with troops that benefit from life like Yao-Guai.

Also 8 mana for the 1st Explosion paired with Divine Ishbaala really isn’t slow…

Thank you for pointing this out, my inner editor screamed when I saw it XD. I also see it was released with the grammar error in the game, and still hasn’t been fixed…so @Saltypatra @Cyrup @Ozball just making sure you saw this post!

…apparently, the reply button doesn’t work well anymore, so this was in response to @DEMONorANGEL 's response above, that show you guys have Lord Ember’s description saying “other all” instead of “all other”.

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I’m not saying she is bad. Just slow. If you’ve gathered 8+ yellow and red mana combined and have a storm out, you’ve likely already hit your win condition with divines. Because her colors partially block all the most useful divines, you need to cascade them to full to be able to cast - admittedly not that uncommon with exploders, but exploders generally work better if you are covering all colors.

Her tools are great, but she is (perhaps purposefully) anti-synergy to be used with the best setup - overlaps most good divines colors (yellow and/or red), is an either/or if you want to throw an ishbaala cast that doesn’t completely clear the board (few reds left to explode) and blocks or is blocked by the one dragon that matters on red. She is a much worse opener than The Dragon Soul as well due to her red gem limitation and her needing to take red gems, and putting her behind The Dragon Soul doesn’t do a whole lot of good as generally you are close to a win when you start casting. You could also, for example, use her instead of Infernus in the popular hero/infernus/ubastet/ishbaala setup, but this honestly just takes longer to win without really adding reliability.

I’m looking forward to exploring her with some “off the beaten path” teams, though. Mana shield on an exploder is honestly ridiculous (at least she is limited to exploding one color), and spammable life gain can be fun.


A universal red transformer using different colours than Hell Cat is great, opens up many new team options that need red but where Hell Cat didn’t fit super well, thumbs up for that.

Divinia is actually pretty good. Massive utility with all-heal and all-cleanse and big explosion mana for the team at efficient cost is great.
Not gonna fall into the trap of evaluating her by how well she fits in the mindless Divine teams dominating the game right now. No troop is going to look good by that standard until the next (inevitable) Divine mythic/Legend that will be massively overpowered and throw shade on even Infernus/Ishbala/Ubastet and raise the bar once more.


Considering there’s a few hero classes that start the match with a storm, so yeah, I’d say I’ve hit my win condition since turn 1 lol.

Its really not hard to fill things with Divinia, just like it isn’t hard for Azura to fill a Blue day GW team with Skadi. Only thing it doesn’t work with is DIvine Ishbaala, but the AI doesn’t care. It’ll still smash you with Divine Ishbaala and find a way to fix everything.

I really encourage you to actually play more with it before you continue to judge it as inefficient.

Opened 2 event keys yesterday. First was Lord Ember, second Divinia. Stopped there. <3 my luck.


Divinia might see some use simply for that legendary trait. Stick her on one of the existing nasty loop teams and see what happens.