Damage bonus from gems of a certain color don't work with a cosmic dragon spell

Platform, device version and operating system:
PC/steam, windows 10

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Damage bonus from gems of a certain color don’t work with a cosmic dragon spell
On a 1’st screen you can see 201 base damage from spell and +42 boost, but on a 2’nd you can see only 201 damage. Same for any cosmic dragon I own, not only Lunarellon, and any game mode

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Everytime i use a spell

Steps to make it happen again
Use a spell, bonus don’t apply, damage dealt is equal to damage written on a spell, without bonus

someone brought this up a while ago, its not a bug. the gem dragons have “boosted” twice in their spell text, once for damage, once for extra turn chance. The cosmic dragons only have it once, for the extra turn chance. The only thing boosted on the cosmic dragons is extra turn chance.


Hm, thanx, it’s some translation issues in that way)

It’s really as clear as it can get.

Gem dragon (picking the purple one as example):

Deal [(Magic x 1.5) + 6] damage to all Enemies, boosted by Purple Gems.

Cosmic dragon (picking the purple one as example):

Deal [(Magic x 2.5) + 6] damage to all Enemies.

Cosmic dragons don’t boost their damage by gems, they instead scale better with magic.