the daemons summoned via daemon portal gem in PVP should be the same level as the player’s level. It’s pretty messed up when you’re down to the last troop and the opponent has one more troop and then they explode the whole board and suddenly they have 3 more blood frenzy level troops. It’s enough we have to fight double level troops in the team, having to fight summoned troops that are at 100+ stats is just completely bonkers. It seems to me that devs are really trying hard to make people quit PVP, and some the game altogether.
So, following that logic, if you are doing an explore level 1 or 5, and the opponent Gorgon, for instance, destroys a row with a Daemon Portal Gem, that it should create a Level 20 enemy (not a level 1 or level 5 enemy)?
In short, yes. But it wouldn’t make a difference in explore, because if you’re doing level 1 explore, it’s reasonable to assume you can one-shot the whole opponent team. That’s why you’re doing level 1 in the first place, so you can finish the battle in few seconds. Even if that gorgon manages to somehow explode a portal gem, you will deal with the summoned lvl 20 troop probably fairly quickly. In level 1 explore you don’t have 1-3 Diamantinas or Zuuls or Takshakas in every single team you’re going against and that will one-shot you as soon as they get the turn. You don’t have limited resources like raven sigils and citadel sigils in explore. And most importantly, the opponent troops are not double the strength of your team. You have to deal with the opponent troops as it is in PVP, and if you’re doing PVP, then it’s only blood frenzy zones that are worth doing. I personally don’t care for battling 4-5-6 insanely strong troops summoned by a damn Leprechaun in addition to the Diamantinas or Takshakas or Khafrus that I had to kill just seconds before. I am not saying that those summons should be level 1, I am saying not every single troop summoned by that gem should be doubly stronger than you. There has to be some balance with the summoning from this gem.
No problem.
While the random gem drop may be painful at times during the ‘campaign’ period, I think it provides for some possible new strategies in PvP and other modes (eg Guild Wars 2.0) once the campaign is over, and so long as they introduce another troop or two besides Astaroth that passively produce Daemonic Portal gems (possibly one of the new immortals).
In any event I doubt they are going to recode this in the 18 days left in the campaign.
of course I don’t expect them to recode anything right away. But this issue really does need some balance. Strategy? There’s no more need for strategy in PVP. There’s so many gems now that explode the whole board, or loop forever or give barriers, bless or stun, that you don’t need troops with those traits anymore. You only need exploder, preferably empowered and a hard hitting troop and whoever gets to explode the board first and fill the killer troop wins because it’s just going to be a cascade of exploding the board and killing the troops. Now add the summons with 100+ stats to the mix. It’s not a good situation, as least for me.