Custom Mythic "Journey Hunter" for discussion

Custom Mythic “Journey Hunter” for discussion and feedback.


For more, check out INT6 Custom Mythic Server on Discord


3x-5x damage and skull damge based on ascension? Not sure how to ascend a mythic troop.
64 spell damage regardless of magic? Would be pretty over powered if beginer player would pick it up or craft it.

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You have a great point about the ascension I will modify…
Damage of 64 is actually 17 damage + 47 magic

Thank you for your feedback

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Revised. Thanks

I like the idea in the abstract.

But I don’t believe this needs to be a mythic rarity troop; doing so will make it difficult for a lot of players to get their hands on it and therefore neutralize its’ purpose to a great degree.

What you really should want is for the troop to be rather common and plentiful so that it’s a reliable and consistent counter to the Pathfinder meta. You probably want its’ spell to be less powerful and utilitarian so that it’s a specific tool for a specific use and not a generic/all-situation troop that a player ought to drop into nearly every team. So I’d definitely design the spell and the troop type with that in mind.

So I wouldn’t really want the troop to be Elemental with that additional caveat on the spell because that makes the troop universally useful and creates a situation the odds that it can loop an ordinary enemy team to death aren’t small – especially if you cast it while a storm of some sort is running. A secondary effect is okay; it just has to be a thoughtful one that isn’t going to overpower everything.

If it’s me? I’m taking away the Elemental part of the troop. I’m also changing the second part of the spell; perhaps it could read “If the target is a Pathfinder, gain an Extra Turn.” And reduce its’ base rarity to Epic, thus allowing the 3x-5x stuff back into the mix.

Make it an explicit counter to Pathfinder troops, but not such an overpowered/all-situation troop that it’ll simply proliferate in enemy teams the way certain other troops do now. Or you’ll just need to develop another brand new troop in the near future to explicitly counter this one.

Thank you. I was telling my friends the same thing. That maybe I should create 3 similar troops to cover all colors. I would have it similar to Godslayer troops and I believe it is an Epic rarity,

Thanks again. I will try to modify.

Looking a little further and refining my thoughts?

“Ice Cold” would seem like an incredibly overpowered trait for a mere “base” Epic troop. Because it strikes me as something that belongs on at least a Legendary, if not a Mythic; it would probably be considered a premium trait because of how it can dictate the early stages of a lot of battles, among the best traits in the entire game. Not that opponents couldn’t work around it, because most veteran players understand the necessity for cleansing – especially if you play Guild Wars in the top brackets – but setting the “terms of engagement” that way is immense.

But if you reduced it to something equivalent to a Hero’s “Snap Freeze” instead, along with a lot of the other stuff I brainstormed above? I believe that’s easier to swallow.


Some other spell types that could counter Pathfinder troops without naming them:

  • Remove all gems of the most common gem color
  • Freeze all enemies that use the most common gem color
  • Conjure a storm of the least common gem color

And traits:

  • Upon taking spell damage, freeze the caster
  • Upon taking spell damage, silence the caster
  • Upon taking spell damage, conjure a random storm

Remove all gems and a random storm wouldn’t do anything to stop the loopers. They make too many gems in a full team for it to matter. The storms wouldnt matter as any extra turn possibility just helps them.

And really, it’s just these 4 (and soon 5) loopers. The other Pathfinders are harmless in comparison.

Silence would work for some of them, but the next one to release is going to be immune to silence. Seekra Darkwood is also immune to silence.


Here are the new cards:

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I question why you need three different Pathfinder Slayers. Unless Pathfinder teams have become “a thing” in lower brackets of Guild Wars; I might have seen one where I am in the past year (Bracket 1 / PS4).

You need three to cover all colors. If you have pathfinder troops in GW Defense, that way you can use the troop to eliminate pathfinder troop for that particular day.

WhoDat - your artwork stunningly awesome!!!

That is how the GoW MUST look. Unfortunately…

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Thank you my friend. Appreciate your feedback.

I think, troops, that are explicitely designed to counter specific strategies or in extreme cases like this single troops, weapons or classes, are not a good design choice.
I know, this is the way, “balancing” in this game is being handled for the last couple of years, but it is the way, we ended up in this mess in the first place.
I am tired of counter-counter-counterstrategies. I just want to play a simple match 3 game here. :cry:

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Technically you can make an all-colour troop, like diamantina, so you don’t need three to have all colours, but then it’d probably need to be a mythic or boss. I like the suggestions though.