Curious about PVP leaderboard

Can someone please tell me how a player can have 56K+ points the first day of the weekly PVP league, and 109k+ points after two days? I just started doing PVP so I am not that familiar with how it goes. I have been only playing in Central spire, as I didn’t build any team for regions with specific requirements, but those numbers seem insane to me. Are there any regions that get you more points? I know there’s blood frenzy regions, but I am not sure what are the advantages and drawbacks of these regions? I am not looking to get the first place on the leaderboard or whatever, but I would like to not be teetering on the brink of the demotion zone.

There are players who devote huge amounts of time to the game. Who probably live in the Blood Frenzy zones to boost their scores and who might even have saved up some Icons from the “new-ish” PvP chests to further increase that number.

Blood Frenzy regions increase the stats of enemy teams, but it also doubles the baseline VP rewards for beating a team.

The relevant question to look at insofar as “impossibility” would be how many matches those leaders have fought/won.

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And even that is an inexact science with the introduction of idols

Icons. Isohedrons. Pilates.

You were right. I just checked the ladder, that player now has 130K+ points from 810 wins and 37 losses. in 48 hours. Just for the reference, the second place player has 34K+ points from 167 wins. It’s all just a matter of living your life in Krystara, I guess.

It is possible. With blood frenzy, talismans, icons and a lot of time. It’s even easier when you have boosts activated, your troop collection is pretty much complete, but you’re still low level enough to get lots of VP.

I’ve done 100.000 VP on day 1, when all Immortals have been released. Got them that day. Other than that it’s not worth it unless you’re really enjoying the PvP mode.

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What others say here. I was one who did 100 000 VP a day twice last week. You do this on a day when you know you have a good team in a favorable region. You activate some monoliths to make things stronger. You play in blood frenzy and grind a ton. Like you really need to set aside a holiday ideally. Then if you have a few of the new gold/silver/bronze icons you can throw those in too.

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What are favorable regions? I thought all the regions were basically the same, except with different colors and requirements to accomodate different teams and strategies.

That’s exactly it: it is easier to build a team that would be fast & reliable for some of the restrictions than for the others. Which one is easy and which one is hard - that depends on the player’s preference and play style. For example, regions where Leprechaun (green-purple mana, empowered, Fey) is allowed are easier (& allow for faster teams) than regions where he is not.


It will depend on the troops you have. Where can you use your strongest troops? Where can you get a fast mana start with a mana-generator like Leprechaun. Where can you use Zuul, Ctharrasque, Stellarix etc.

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and this game has a very bad bot protection. Over the years we had multiple Youtube videos showcasing this :frowning: . I am still not convinced that they have this under control.

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They do catch players all the time. I know two players in guilds I were in that got banned very recently. The sad part is the guild is punished too as they deduct trophies from the guild total when this happens. So don’t do it.

The devs can examine my account and will see I have never used any bot or macro or hotkeys, ever.

These are forbidden by their rules:

Hacking and Cheating

Hacking, cheating, emulators and using 3rd party modifying tools, macros and hotkeys are not permitted in our games. Doing so can result in your account being instantly banned.

Any accounts banned or reported to investigate for cheating will be reviewed by a member of our Support team. If you feel that you have been mistakenly banned, you can submit a Ban appeal via our Support page.

Please remember that any decisions made after contacting Support are final.

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Thank you. This is a bit more clear now. So far I was playing in Central Spire because I can use Zuul, but I will definitely look to try to play in some other regions.