Create a HOLY/angelic/good faction /race

the holy/angelic/good i mean here is not THAT fanatic xD

anyway lets see:

whitehelm holy?

Gard - yes - could be holy, could be not
celestasia - yes - could be hoever as well could be just divine alone
moloch - no - pure evil
grand inquisitor - yes - sure could be holy even fanatic but not necesarely good
lady sapphira - no
mercy - yes - now thats finally angelic, still the sad face
sacred guardian - neutral - it could be holy/good or not at all, its just divine - like kethras
archon statue - neutral - same like sacred guardian
paladin - yes - could be holy fanatic xD
templar - neutral - u cant even see his face
penitent - no - there is nothing holy good or angelin in him
priestess - yes - could be but look again at the face its a sad version of holy, normall holy/good should be emitting love and happiness aura or at least a hint of smile XD and thats nearly nowhere in game (beside loyalty maybe)

6 holy
3 neutral
3 evil

to make it more clear i wouldnt even count all 6 of them to the holy/good i originally meant, id give the type only to mercy, paladin and priestess (since gard looks just as evil as good - basically neutral and inqisitor is fanatic follower of his neutral deity, celes looks like neutral deity as well)
paladin for the holy glow in his eyes and holy aura, priestess for the fact she prays whole life, and mercy for her angelic nature

and thats the most holy kingdom in game, the rest of krystara goes even more evil

i probably should just count all troops in game to give you better idea…

also look at their graphic design - they are made to neither represent good or evil, they got usually sad or angry faces and could do anything good or bad, thats basically nearly all the gow art - most of them got the faces with malice characters, thats why the balance between good and evil in game is really far on the evil side from my point of wiev (im not gonna take quests into consideration as the quests you do once but the cards you play until you quit game)
im not saying to move the balance into 1:1 obviously but bringing one faction that is allowed to show something POSITIVE on their faces and be a positive character by their role would be really nice