Crash at start: 2 or 4 GB RAM is not enough

Happy that the fix worked this morning, many thanks. I have defeated Ram Eater, hopefully everyone else has too, thanks again.

For now working great . No crashes at startup , can exit game without error message .

This made me load in 1 sec,hopefully this will forever fix the issue,also only eats 500 Mb ram now.

Same Issue here ((

[details=Summary]Unity Player [version: Unity 5.5.0p4_2f9c3a0f4141]

GemsOfWar.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module GemsOfWar.exe at 001b:00b8adef.

Error occurred at 2017-06-20_152842.
F:\NewGame\Steam\steamapps\common\Gems of War\GemsOfWar.exe, run by Admin.
99% memory in use.
2047 MB physical memory [4 MB free].
0 MB paging file [3264 MB free].
2048 MB user address space [65 MB free].
Write to location 00000000 caused an access violation.

EDI: 0x00000000 ESI: 0x04086a10 EAX: 0xcdcdcdcd
EBX: 0x00100000 ECX: 0x00040000 EDX: 0x00000000
EIP: 0x00b8adef EBP: 0x0852fd94 SegCs: 0x0000001b
EFlags: 0x00010216 ESP: 0x0852fd74 SegSs: 0x00000023

Bytes at CS:EIP:
f3 ab 85 d2 74 0a 88 07 83 c7 01 83 ea 01 75 f6 [/details]

After 2nd patch, game runs now smoothly in background with 488.8 RAM usage. And I can write this comment in browser additionally :slightly_smiling_face:
I cannot change screen resolution ingame but for now I’m happy and will make a long time test.

@ThageDark: Which pc setup? (operating system, graphic card, ram, driver update, newest game patch)

edit: I get a crash message when I quit the game.


I can happily report that the game runs again on my old laptop! 1280x720, graphics low, windowed mode. Everything is a tiny bit slower, but otherwise works perfectly. :smile:

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I just started the game and it works again under 1024x768. 1366x768 does not work, I get a black screen. I don’t know if this should be corrected as well or that the reason is my laptop can’t handle the game on 1366x768 settings.

A very very big thanks to the devs for picking this up and I do appreciate the matter in how the issue is handled :slight_smile:

Hate to break it to you but when I quit the game it shows a crash report. I can play though! But just as I close the game, get back on the desktop it crashes and I get the same crash notification.

EDIT: In the summary you can find the error log.

[details=Summary]Unity Player [version: Unity 5.5.0p4_2f9c3a0f4141]

GemsOfWar.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module GemsOfWar.exe at 001b:00f93007.

Error occurred at 2017-06-22_154816.
D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Gems of War\GemsOfWar.exe, run by Emile.
77% memory in use.
3484 MB physical memory [794 MB free].
0 MB paging file [2729 MB free].
2048 MB user address space [1353 MB free].
Read from location 000001db caused an access violation.

EDI: 0x05078100 ESI: 0x05078100 EAX: 0x00000000
EBX: 0x00000000 ECX: 0x05078100 EDX: 0x01c48be0
EIP: 0x00f93007 EBP: 0x009ef558 SegCs: 0x0000001b
EFlags: 0x00010206 ESP: 0x009ef540 SegSs: 0x00000023

Bytes at CS:EIP:
80 b8 db 01 00 00 00 74 0e 8b 07 8b 90 04 02 00[/details]

500MB RAM for me too now. Thanks a lot!

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Thank you very much for the help, my problem is the lack of image despite the active gy, in my case the code worked: -force-d3d9. The game works normally, you can see the image and nothing bother anymore. thank you very much.

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Mine is still way up there. Sent info to Support asking if they wanted a procman dump or not.

I’ve logged on and off a few times today now and only issue was mouse kept stopping working first 2 times, unpluggeed it, plugged back in and been ok since

Hey @Taisiakat,

As mentioned in the small update patch notes, you should be able to reduce the memory usage when using lower graphics settings (Common, Rare or Ultra-Rare). This should drastically reduce the memory usage of the game, but will slightly increase loading times.

If lowering the Graphics Settings still causes RAM to increase, please let us know.


Thank you Gold

The memory footprint is much better with Ultra-rare.

There still appears to be leaks when navigating through screens and over time, but at least now I should be able to keep it open more than 3-4 hours without it freezing up.

Thanks for the update

thx soooooo much it worked with me -force-3d39 thanks again:)

I had the crash after the first hotfix, but the last hotfix jet fixed it and i don´t need -force-3d9 to run it.

There is no problem running the game.
RAM it needs is 300 - 320 MB
Disk space 1.8GB

I am running
i3 550 3.02GHz
4 (1 x 1GB DDR3 1333MHz) RAM
GTX 260 NVidia
Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate x64

Multi-tasking is always going on with me.

The game has no demanding graphics. Try updating some video drivers or disabling any extra features
through your video graphics control panel (NVidia - ATI/AMD).

Also don’t tell people you are running Windows 10 on a machine that doesn’t support it (meaning laptops). Windows 10 alone needs 2GB to function on its own.

All of you posting need to consult a PC Tech guy…


Did you seriously come in here to post “I don’t have this problem, therefore nobody does”?


No I wrote what I did so you wise guy can have a reference point of my system and that this game runs (at least starts normally). Because I am a PC / IT guy I can help more than probably you.

As any game it will have requirements and as any updated game it might have changed somehow. But as any application the solution can be found as long as the users know how to fix a problem. Since even one guy (me) has no problem it can be fixed.

Instead of being ironic you could ask politely but no Sir. Grundulum you rather try to be another smart guy!

Who are you talking to?

Min specs win 10:
Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor or SoC
RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit
Hard disk space: 16 GB for 32-bit OS 20 GB for 64-bit OS
Graphics card: DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver
Display: 1024x600

Game always crashes when quitting via quit button (crash message).
Game crashes after a while when doing nothing but waiting for next kingdom tribute (no crash message, ram buffer overflow?). Kingdom tribute stuck before flashing.
Game crashes after a while when mutitasking (using browser in background).

wise it guy @MetaltronX don’t tell others don’t tell → freedom of speech for beginners