"Coven of Sapphira" (Rank 199) 18/30 PLATINUM II :)

@LadySapphira 16/29 level 20

Let me talk to the more active members and I’ll get back to you! How many active (daily) members do you have, if you don’t mind me asking? They’ll want to know, I’m sure. Thanks!

@LadySapphira we have 5 - 6 quite active players. Me and the guild leader are the most active.

@LadySapphira I am home now. We have 9 people who have battled in the past 24 hours. We also have a Facebook group you can join for communication purposes. How many active players do you have? I have been trying to get people to join but it is next to impossible. We have no problem kicking out players if they are not active and we need room.

I sent you a message? No? I’ve been really busy, sorry! Anyway, we’re about to break into the 300s here, where you at? Still looking for players if any actually exist out there :stuck_out_tongue:

We are at 93. So have you discussed joining us with the other members yet?

Getting ready to be platinum one

I messaged the other most active member to see what they want to do…We are moving up really fast so I think they’re hesitant. Since it was the holidays I think people weren’t on as much but I’ll let you know soon! :slightly_smiling:

I thought your member were down with this merger thing. I offer you a good opportunity to merge with us a guild ranked in the 80s. We are also now a platinum one guild. I know you say people are hesitant because you’re moving up fast. I’m here to tell you things slow down in the higher numbers. There are plenty of people still playing the game in these higher ranks. I say you convince your other members to join so we can move up together. As you said we need to band together.

Mark my words… HE WON’T JOIN YOU :smiley:

Demo…leave them to it…not our place buddy. (hard to be quiet when your trying to help but all the same).

Come on derek… Forum is some kind of Hyde Park, am I right?
It is nothing wrong to say what You think if U dont insult anyone… :slight_smile:
Besides thanks to our little conversation the topic is on the first place in guild recruitment section, what makes me a BIG HELPER :slight_smile:

You know I got love for you demo :slightly_smiling:

yeah that seems to be where it’s headed

Gaining on your guild coven :stuck_out_tongue: how you guys getting on anyway did you find a team to merge with you?

I would say you could join us @Rosco122 but I don’t think that would happen.

Cheers but have been asked by few people but I’m content in my little guild for now advancing well. Was just curious if a merge was actually possible with the bad communication on the game

@Rosco122 Kinda…im not the guild leader in my guild but im in touch with the players (most of them) a few messages over xbox and making sure you have the invite codes needed just close guild and pass all the invite codes to the new guild…should be easy.

First of all, you’re just feeding this repugnant troll. Secondly, I’m a FEMALE. And third, I expressed that I was asking the other members of the guild. I can’t up and quit when several members haven’t replied back to me and are contributing actively.

…And this is EXACTLY why I stopped posting on these forums. Enjoy the madness!

LOL…well that explains it