Cosmic Dragon Rebalance

It’s Magic x 2.5 + 6
so 35 x 2.5 = 87.5
87.5 + 6 = 93.5
Round down to 93

When Sirrian said he was going to help me explain the Spell change I thought he was going to explain Magic scaling and how it works - I should have known better :joy:


Thanks for the info! Nice buff :smile:

Since when do you round down .5? :confused:

Okay so let’s use my 35 magic as a base…

Pre-buff (regular cosmic dragons):
35 x 1.6 + 6 = 62 base damage

Post-buff (regular cosmic dragons):
35 x 2.5 + 6 = 93 base damage

Pre-buff (Stellarix)
35 x 2.1 + 6 = 79 base damage

Post-buff (Stellarix):
35 x 3 + 6 = 111 base damage

An incredible buff!

For comparison…

Diamantina does 35 x 2 + 6 = 76 base damage plus 3(AmountOfSkulls). If there were 10 skulls on the board, that would still be less damage than Stellarix, not even considering Stellarix’s high looping potential!

This buff means that the dragons go in a proper order by damage output:
Gem Dragons < Cosmic Dragons < Diamantina < Stellarix

banker’s rounding. for better or worse, this game always had it.

Divine Ishbaala nerf made the Banker’s Rounding stand out.

@Kafka any chance you could slide a Divine Ishbaala 3rd trait reversion from 40% to 50% nudge to Sirrian?

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Who wants to trade Dan and Luna? I can’t even craft a weapon yet since it’s 2/3 dragons each. :thinking:

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They are stronger than Diamantina…

I know it was changes midweek to events that was a no go. But this is a sizable midweek change.

Edit: should i now be buying for a 2nd stelarix? Or should i wait for any future eggs?

As someone that gets at least 2 of every mythic when convenient, while this might not be the answer you want to hear, if you can think of a reason to use 2 Stellarixs, you can.

However, its highly dependent on your stats and at basically top of the line stats, 2 Stellarixs might be overkill now. If you’re missing a few points of magic, then it can make more sense to have 2 Stells, however you could also probably just get away with running a Stell and a Gem Dragon or a similar team comp.


I am just about an end gamer so stats are nit too bad. Just thinking that now it huts harder could be worth saving for another.

I guess a way to rephrase is just to ask, is there any more eggs planned?

It doesn’t feel right that diamantina has less base damage than the 6 cosmic egg dragons though. Maybe giving her (magic x 2.5) + 6 damage Instead of (magic x 2.0) + 6 is the solution?

It just feels like people r even more pressured into getting Stellarix, with no mention of any way to target missing egg dragons…


at the current moment, probably nothing is planned. no signs of more dragons currently. but I also don’t work for Gems of War, so who knows in the future.

At the lower points when a player can one tap with Diamantina, the player is still better off using Diamantina as a smaller mana cost just makes it more consistent to fill and cast faster.

Likewise, skull based teams can still benefit from starting with a skull storm along with the myriad of benefits that Diamantina can provide.

At the upper points, casting Stellarix and missing the mana generation and the extra turns can be fatal. Diamantina’s starting skullstorm can be bad, but it can be manipulated to not happen and if not… just waited out until its gone.

Stellarix currently shines more in the middle end of things and fortunately/unfortunately, pvp and e12 both fall in the middle end of things.


If only wish gems were consistent on which troops it provided mana too…

May we have the shinny Stellarix?

can’t say I’m super excited about left side battles, but its a good thing it worked out for you.

my wish gems would probably fill someones Ctharrasque, some kind of webber or other problematic things.

Have you tried Ettin? I find I prefer it to Leprechaun for precision Wish Gem popping every time as well having a faster animation.

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Tome of Wizardry says hi.

Thanks, I may use it in the vault, but it’s not green so I cannot use it in Aidana right now.

Tome of Wizardry is pretty good. It’s nice to have the hero on the team for storms or other benefits. But the downside of course is having to fill it, even if its 7 mana/6 mana/3 mana and purple gems aren’t always on the board.

It’s also not the greatest if the wish gem decides to only fill that… end up durdling extra seconds passing the turn and getting another wish gem to spawn.

it is brown though, for Geheron (this week). no pressure to actually run it

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