Platform, device version and operating system: PC/Android
What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
When pasting a team from a player who has fewer champion talents unlocked than you, any talents on the team that show up as “Any” get unselected in your class. Instead of removing talents, I would expect it to keep whatever was selected before.
It’s kind of hard to explain, read steps to reproduce.
How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
It’s been happening for a while, presumably since the team sharing was introduced.
Steps to make it happen again
Here’s my Stormcaller talent tree at the start, I unlocked and picked the first 4 talents:
Here is the team I am copying:
Now if I look at my Stormcaller talent tree:
Taking this team to a battle and looking at the hero’s talents confirms that my previously selected talents have been unselected, I don’t have Purification, Wind Speed or Fey Vengeance, which is what I previously had selected.
Not sure if this is a bug or a feature. If this is the intended behavior, I would expect the talent to say “None” in the team instead of “Any”. As is, it’s a bit of an issue, especially since talents are per class and apply in any team that uses it and there’s no indication that a talent has been unselected when pasting.