I would happily Trade all my glory.
For the ability to own all the troops in the game again.
Bitcoin is more stable than the GoW economy.
I would happily Trade all my glory.
Bitcoin is more stable than the GoW economy.
My sympathies. I don’t recognize all the troops on the field (due to status effects) but Lady Divinia has ruined MANY a Delve run for me. I don’t hate her quite like I hate the Maraji Queen (especially now that I have a copy for myself and fully traited, how the tables turn), but it’s not off by much.
Also, Nexus released on Switch last week and even before the week was over:
It also felt a little bit strange for the “Mythic” Explore Boss battle to be against:
Right, because we don’t actually have any Nexus Mythics yet, those will be coming later.
As long as your average multi is 4 or higher, you should always get max reward with tier 0.
You can use the spreadsheet from @TimeKnight
As usual, just a matter of time and patience…
So here’s my ultimate Hoard Mimic showdown versus myself.
now we just need your 4 hoard mimics vs 4 ai hoard mimics
Darkstone lvl20. +1 Magic My second lvl20 kigndom
Like Pridelands, kingdom menu is bugged after upgrading to lvl20:
It’s FriYay!
Getting close to 1000 club Still can’t one shot all troops
Why can’t this happen seven days a week?
Stairs were in 4th room, so level 12 for dragonites. 103 I think.
6 eggs > 4 new
2 eggs > 0 new
2 eggs > 2 new
I feel very lucky to have them with 10 eggs. Especially getting last 2 with 2 eggs at the last craft