Cool screenshot topic

I missed the opportunity to print and post here today.
over 140 minutes battle in Emperinazar boss room.
Pure faction 500 and I still got wrecked by the Ai.
Emperinazara summoning troops at level 600 and over (her magic stats).

Can you explain why you think the 32 tribute thing isn’t authentic?

The current max tribute chance for all kingdoms averages 42.97%.
Using a simple binomial probability on the average to approximate the chance of getting X or more tributes gives:

34 about 1 in 3 trillion
33+ about 1 in 64 billion
32+ about 1 in 3 billion
31+ about 1 in 198 million
30+ about 1 in 19 million
29+ about 1 in 2 million
28+ about 1 in 343 thousand

A 1 in 3 billion chance is slim, but not statistically impossible.

Note: Calculations above are approximate only since you cannot just take an average of chances across 34 independent events. The tribute chance is also something that has increased (better odds) over time due to kingdoms increasing in max power level.


Because of all ↑ @cyberkiwi said and in laymans term’s “the internet”.

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Thanks @cyberkiwi. So I understand that it is not impossible to get such a tribute.

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Mr Maestro posted a 32 tribute on our Discord. I think he has literally everything maxed out so I believe it is real.


I think its pretty cool SS to manage something as useless as this /s

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Just waiting for a shrine screenshot with 2 major orbs of growth…

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My highest tribute! :stuck_out_tongue:



There you go Bomfunk Mc’s!

I tried, but failed. Won’t be trying again :sweat_smile:

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Guess the Shrine was at least 50% worth it.


I now have the same total amount of Imperial Deed and War Coin offers.

Mind you…I haven’t crafted troop in the Soulforge since Skadi first appeared. (Well outside of the Boss troops and maybe Xathenos, I can’t recall the release timing on him.)

So though this may not be the place to have questions be ignored by devs on.
@Saltypatra or @Kafka
I need War coins, I still needs/orbs, will always need imperial deeds.
Why is their nothing telling the game how much I don’t need crafting resources?

(Or delve offers or key offers.)

If the goal is to take my gems and then hopefully my (more of my) money. Then I shouldn’t have to keep telling you how to take my money. :person_shrugging:


Tried to get it 2 x 2 and 13 0’s but got too much glory from a L50 run in Delve. :stuck_out_tongue:



Find a way to spend the 14 glory so my eye stops twitching. lol


My highest tribute to date


Nice man! I hope to get a such high tribute too.

Orbweaver though he would do better:

Also got nice 2 shiny thingies from Epic Vault:

For those currios ones

Both were green…:slightly_frowning_face: