[Contact Support] Weekly Progress Rewards was not in the mail

Platform, device version and operating system: Xbox

Screenshot or image: N/A

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
I completed the Daily Weekly Progress, but did not redeem. It’s not really apparent you are supposed to claim them. Nothing on the screen says press Y to claim. Most ? with a button just gives you info. Why is it a ‘?’ vs Press Y to Claim? I expected them to be mailed at reset.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Each week.

Steps to make it happen again
Do your weekly progress and do not claim them. Wait for reset. No mail with earned items.

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I think they get mailed if not claimed by the end of the event. There’s no need while they’re still claimable.

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Hello :slight_smile:

Please contact Support via Ticket.

Bramble, I will do that.
