[Contact Support] Troop is gone

**Platform, device version and operating system: **

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:

I had Obsidius, now he’s gone

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?

Just noticed it.

Steps to make it happen again

Show troops → See he’s not there.

Any chance its a sorting miscue? Try alphabetical and double check. If missing then it would show up in missing troops list? Just saving you time for when they respond. They’ll prob ask same questions.


Same here not saying you haven’t checked but are you looking for him in a spot where he’s restricted? Just helping you get ahead of Bramble’s asks.

He’s indeed listed under unowned troops.

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Another thing you’ll typically get asked for is your in-game Invite Code – presumably so the staff can identify you when checking the serverside game logs.

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Hello :slight_smile:

Please contact Support via Ticket to investigate further on your missing troop.

Please also ensure that you have the latest version of Gems of War!

Xbox one version 8.1.0r65426
I had a bunch of high level troops that are now missing
Abynissia, Amethialas, Champion of Anu, Diamantia and Elmaugrim are all missing. Im not sure if any others are missing but I know these are.
I haven’t played for a long time and now the are not there. Its been at least six months or more.

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Well they sent me a message claiming that they couldn’t find any trace of me having owned Obsidius. They even suggested I had some kind of delusion thinking I actually owned him; apparently “This happened to [them] too!”.

Needless to say this quite pissed me off.

I actually keep a list of troops and weapons to look out for and ticked off the ones I acquired; Obsidius was very much ticked off. This tells me either their system is broken or they simply didn’t put in the required effort looking for it. More disturbingly though: I could actually be missing other mythics that I didn’t keep track of!

That ‘delusion’ remark was likely made to avoid the alternative theory: that I was lying. If I was going to lie about owning some troop it obviously would not have been Obsidius when the f*cking dragon gods Diamantina and Stellarix are sitting right there! Hell, even Infernus would have arguably been a better pick.

To anyone reading this, perhaps consider taking pictures or something of at least your mythics so you have some proof of owning them.

As for me, I’m seriously considering just leaving this game behind if this really turns out to be the end of it.

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Might be too late but have you ever tried Gemologica? It shows everything you own.

On the bright side at least you got a reply. Support has went seriously downhill over the years.

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