[Contact Support] Switch Faction not available

Nintendo switch

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
New faction Court of foxes not available on underworld map. Faction assault in games meny let me buy six tiers, will the non-visible faction be leveled if I play the assualt mode? Also, purchased weapon not visible in wea9on collection. I expect the new faction to be available or complete refund of diamonds spent on tiers.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
As of today.

Steps to make it happen again
No idea.


I crafted the new weapon from new faction in soulforge and not got it in my collection ! :cry:


Hi Devs,

Could you fix this ridiculous issue please ?


@kasskados Don’t worry bud, I’m sure they r working on it.:rofl:

(Oh, wait, it’s the weekend, nevermind).

Hopefully it doesn’t take over 2 years to make that court scepter weapon available…

I’m not going to touch the court of foxes faction event and just treat it like a swarm of killer hornets waiting to attack me outside my home.


Hello :slight_smile:

Please Contact Support via Tickets with a screencapture of your purchase receipt!

Please also provide an Invite Code in the same ticket.


@Bramble the court scepter shows up in my inventory now, so I believe that Nintendo Switch users that bought tier IV in the faction event also have this weapon as well.:+1:

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