[Contact Support] Missing Rewards from top 100 players in PVP

Platform, device version and operating system:
Steam and IPhone 15

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:

I was expecting to receive my reward last week and this week end but didn’t receive any reward.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
I don’t know, I didn’t receive today my reward for being top 100 PVP and also last week.

Steps to make it happen again
Be in top 100 players in PVP

@WhoDat Ticket on Zendesk I have the same problems in the last weeks!!! Sign in to Gems of War

I did submit a ticket but no reply

@WhoDat Please wait! Jeto comming!!!

The only email I can see from your emails @WhoDat is from this morning/yesterday about PvP Season Goals, which already has a reply?

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