[Contact Support] Infinitely recurring loading bars

Platform, device version and operating system:
Mobile, samsung note 8
Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
To load into the next fight but had infinitely recurring loading screens

How often does this happen? When did it begin to happen?
It has happened 6 times in the last 2 hours

Steps to make it happen again
So far as I can see just playing the game, it once happened when I was in a fight as a pet rescue event ran out of time, and regardless of me having defeated all 8 battles and getting the infinite recurring loading screen I didn’t recieve the pet in my inbox either

Sympathies for the expired Pet Rescue event. My guess is if this was the loading that occurred immediately upon winning the battle, then technically the game never reported your victory to the server (within the event’s time limit) and that’s why you didn’t receive a guaranteed pet. If you received your battle rewards (and it was Battle 8), that should count as having won within the event timer and you should have been eligible for the guaranteed pet reward.

A useful thing to know about pre-battle loading is that the “meter” is actually just an animated ticker: the game is communicating with the server in the background, and every time the meter fills up the game checks if the battle is ready to start and if not, it lets the meter play another loop before checking again.

I play on Switch and occasionally have issues where the “loading” seems to go on forever – sometimes a packet just gets lost during transmission? – and in most cases simply toggling Airplane Mode on/off (which typically yields an immediate “Failed to receive data / Retry” message) seems to resolve the matter, with the game loading in a reasonable time the second attempt.

It’s not a fix, technically speaking, but it’s quick enough to perform to make a viable workaround for me.

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Hello :slight_smile:

Please contact Support via Ticket for your missing pet reward. Especially if the loading occurred when you won the battle.

Please also include your Invite Code