[Contact Support] Gold Cap in Game

Platform, device version and operating system:

Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Guild Member has reached the personal gold cap in game and is unable to log in

**How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
This happens when someone has more than 2.147b gold in the game

Steps to make it happen again
Reach 2.147B gold in the game

Per this topic we found here: [Known Issue] Game breaking bug: too much gold on account - #58 by Kafka

It seems the devs were intent on solving this issue. They also were intent on letting players know when they near this cap. The way it’s coded creates a very difficult barrier for the guild member to raise the issue and have it solved for them. Either raise the cap or have a more streamlined approach to reviewing these cases and creating solutions that allow them to play the game they obviously love.


2.147 B gold?!! Wow, how about joining our guild and donating some of that to LT’s? :smile: :innocent:


Hello :slight_smile:

Please get your friend to contact Support via Ticket!