[Contact Support] Game Out of Sync Error

Happened 2 times again this morning. I noticed something odd though. When I restarted the game and did those battles again, there were different opponents. One battle had Dwarven Gate the first time (I think it was the 2nd battle of the 2nd set) and the other had Phoenicia the first time (last battle of the 3rd set). Doesn’t everyone have the same battles or is it just the same rewards?

To be honest. I have never paid attention to that before and its a good question. Sounds like I will be able to confirm later today

It happened again today and once the game restarted, it was a completely different opponent team. The funny thing is that in the first battle, I couldn’t do any spell damage to Summoner. I had to kill him with skulls. Then, I got the oos error. Can someone get off of their ass and fix this problem???

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Every damn day!!! Is someone going to fix this or are you just going to wait it out until the KP/BC bs is over???

Sorry it is still consistently happening to you. I had it happen a couple days in a row about a week ago, but hasnt happened to me the past few days. Not sure how I am now avoiding it?

Yeah, it happened 4 times this morning. Between this and that damned white square in PVP, I’m getting pretty annoyed. They could at least have the courtesy to lie to me that they are looking into these issues instead of just ignoring them.


Second set, 3rd battle.

Second set, 3rd battle again in AB

Now that the KP/BC crap is over, I was finally error free in the AB for the first time in 2 weeks.

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