[Contact Support] Game Out of Sync Error

Ok, I found the logs, I also checked another player with the same issue.

I’m not going to completely rule out an issue with the Adventure Board on Xbox, but I would be keen to hear from more people when it happens in future.

After doing some digging, it looks like the connection got cut to the game while you were in those 2 battles.

Coincidentally there were local area outages for both of you reporting the issue when you both had the issue even though you’re not local to each other.

It is a big coincidence, both of you getting the same error message around the same time in the same game mode, both on Xbox and both having internet issues at the same time despite not being local to each other - but it’s not impossible.

So for now I have to rule it out as an issue with your ISP, but I’ve let the CX team know to keep an eye out for any more out of sync errors on Xbox in the Adventure Board so we can track any trends and patterns that emerge.

Basically, it looks like it happened due to issues with your ISP, but we’ll keep gathering more info as it becomes available.

Fingers crossed the issues with the ISP get resolved soon too and that they’re not affecting you too much if it was only noticed in the GoW adventure Board, because it looks like those issues might be ongoing currently.