[Contact Support] Battle freeze raid fight

Platform, device version and operating system:
Android tablet
Screenshot or image:

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Playing Raid, game froze twice in a row, lost two battles and a bird.
Three brown gems in bottom left were flashing rapidly but could not be matched.
Would like my four wasted sigils please
REPLACE THIS TEXT WITH YOUR ISSUE. e.g. This is simply what you were trying to do and what happened instead. ‘I was trying to start an Arena battle, but Gems of War loaded Broken Spire quest instead!’

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
REPLACE THIS TEXT WITH YOUR ISSUE. e.g. Was this a once-off bug or has it been a consistent issue? Does it only happen after doing a particular game mode?

Steps to make it happen again
REPLACE THIS TEXT WITH YOUR ISSUE. e.g. Sometimes there are certain steps that can lead to a problem that may not be obvious! Example: I lose once in the Arena, I then exit to the world map, select broken Spire on the Map and enter Arena. broken spire’s quest lost instead.

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@Bramble another example consistent with Pharaoh Khafru’s explosion.

OP I never want this to happen to you again but if you (or anyone) can capture the moments of PK’s explosion that initiates the softlock it’d go a long way in helping them recreate it. Cuz until they can do that there’s nothing for them to “fix” unfortunately.


We’ve been kind of guessing it’s an issue with Pharaoh’s 3rd trait

Подтверждаю. Ошибка присутствует: подсказка хода начинает быстро моргать, произвести каких - либо действий невозможно-работает только Отступить. Столкнулся с этой проблемой и в Шпиле. Фараон Хафру присутствовал в обеих сборках. Мой пригласительный код: TILTHAN_ZLY9

Hello :slight_smile:

Please contact Support via Ticket for the raid sigils that were used for this frozen battle.

Please also provide your Invite Code, so I may report your issue to the development team.