CONSOLE: My Little Unicorn

Well it looks like we’ve gone pc like with traitstones and glory purchases. My stones from pvp must be 80% yellows. I’ve changed to Leonis empire to try to break the slight monotony. However… Yes this is a yellow issue still. Hmmmm

PVP on consoles hasn’t change so it still gives a random traitstone.


I hope it will stay that way?


At the moment we don’t have any plans to change it.


Please stay at this moment for ever :slight_smile:


Will it go back an hour on the weekend?

Yeah Australia changes this coming weekend, and we’ll be going backwards 1 hour. Though it shouldn’t affect the reset time for anyone who isn’t in Australia.

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Sorry for posting that if its incorrect, but I’m getting yellows after yellows after yellows. It’s ludicrous!

Thanks. That kinda sucks I’m so use to reset time being 5.30.

Had 15 battles in pvp this morning and recorded yellow stones 11 times. This is really getting on my teets! :joy::joy::joy:

@Nimhain @Saltypatra i didin’t see Jotnar official news, is it still on the menu?

Still looking good for release in a few hours. Official news for mythics posts around the time the troop should start appearing in chests.


Sniped me! I was mid post!


Alright ty for the quick reply :slight_smile:

Will Spring Imp also be in chests as of Saturday? Any info as to if that will be a glory troop next week? :smiley:

Spring imp will go into chest after weekly reset on monday.

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Ok, thanks. Guess I will wait to target Jontar until then to hopefully double up and also get a Spring Imp.