Console Event: Taking Pride

It’s also showing Tesla on the event screen, event though it saysget sekhma`

I thought that was pretty funny

We’re working to get a fix out for the Raksha event + Sekhma News display.

And maybe make Sekhma easier to get than behemoth? 400 or so event keys got me 8 behemoth and 1 sekhma. :frowning:

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Fix should be out now.

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Yeah I hear ya… I ended up with 4 behemoth and no shiny new legendary. Bloody joke.

Wish they would remove any Legendary that you already have 4 copies ascended to mythic removed from chests. Similar to guardians.

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65 event chests no new legendary😢

Got her with 80 event keys. 1 is good enough.

Anyone have a suggestion for a sweet raksha team for this week?