CONSOLE: A New Mythic Approaches - Queen Aurora

Well without getting into specific spoilers, it was showing 2 troops for the next event. Common and Ultra Rare. And without any console update, everyone should still be in sync. So yes.


I decided to wait until Monday to pickup some Orc Veterans (he was going to be added to the Chests) from when I was on Vacation. Queen MLP cost all my 625 Gem Keys (5,625 equivalent Gem cost) and 1,000 Glory Keys. No dipping into actual GemsšŸ˜€. Now to grindy grind Divinion Fieldsā€¦

EDIT: Oh I forgot to include the ~300 Guild Chests I tried on Friday with no luck. But still need 15 more copies of Courageā€¦ so it not a total waste, but at least I have an extra x54 Justice beyond Mythic (plus all the other GG in excess).

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500 vip.

Thatā€™s how many chests you had to open to get Queen Aurora?

Yeah, with Mythics releasing every 3 weeks you definitely need a stash to dip into. Though 22,500 is expensive for My Little Pony.

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My lady got her last night with gem keys from guild tasks and I just farmed 12 arcane plains this morning and early afternoon for her, took around 2 hours, the last three took over 45 minutes


Such an interestng troop it is, I have still yet to find a comfortable team with it tho, but I am getting there soon I hope.

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Amusing RNG today. Well after spending every Gem Key I had yesterday to get the Mythic, I get the following Daily Task:

Use 3 Gem Keys. The cost is 30 Gems to buy them, my reward for completing the Task is 10 Gems. Net -20 GemsšŸ˜’

Look at it as a discount for using gem keys thoughā€¦ still get the troops!

Bagged myself a 2nd Queen Aurora from only 200 glory keys, I need to work out if there is a feasible team that uses two.

Justice mab, 2 ponies, double blue banner.

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You also went for a 2nd pony, I also took the risk some months ago for PC/Mobile.

No, itā€™s an idea. Iā€™m not risking it. I spent enough mythicing highforge to two copies. So double pony might be a thing but I like two damage dealers a healer and a generator. Two ponies kinda limits things.