Completionists are people too!

For the love of Dog, what do the devs have against completionist style players?

I was attracted to this game, way back in the way back, because collecting things and leveling things is my thing.

Lately, there is so much rng between me and completing anything, I am nearing the point where I don’t want to play. Stop it.

Let’s be real… You can’t let it be really completable because then people like me would think we beat the game and leave. haha. But that is what kingdom levels and power are for. Drip drip drip.

I can live with that drip drip. That is a function of time. Now if I get my calculator out and realize it is 52 years? I might walk away. But who does that? Get their calculator? :eyes: (Not me! I swear!!!)

But omg… please… pleasepleasepleasePLEASE… quit with the slot machine troops. If a huge chunk of your game is about collection and you slot machine the last ten yards (a moment of silence for the metaphors slain) it will not end well. Do better.


With all these new additions of useless crap and junk and more rng hell, i gave up on completing all.
The balls on them to offer free weapons from 5 years ago for sale. So if you did not started this game more than 5 years ago, good luck, you can either spend money or never completely have all weapons. I call that BS.


Saw someone recently describe designing a live service game, like GoW, as “needing to make the game just satisfying enough to keep players playing, but not satisfying enough for them to feel like they are actually satisfied, because then they’d leave, so the game always needs to be balancing between frustrating and satisfying” (paraphrased, but that was the gist). And they pointed out that most games fail at this, because it’s really hard to get that balance right.
GoW has, until recently, done a really good job on that balance, with kingdom and power levels, as you say, but now players are reaching those caps and the current designers are trying to find new ways to “drip drip”, but they’ve chosen a new system which is both a) way more frustrating to those players who hit RNG issues and feel like they aren’t making any “drip drip” progress at all, and b) way more satisfying for those players who get lucky and almost immediately get what they want, leaving them fully satisfied and ready to potentially leave the game. So, the designers tried to slow players down, and ran into new problems, which it doesn’t seem like they are paying attention to or trying to fix, given that they keep adding more RNG-locked troops.
Hopefully they go back to the “slow, steady progress” system that worked in the past.


Currently, I only need 1 weapon which I’ll get when Mydnight comes around and four sentinels, so my completionist self is not unhappy.

Exactly. The design decision to go with random drip, instead of the old fashioned grind, is mind boggling. The slot machine mechanic leaves a lot of players either frustrated and angry or satiated and bored. Heck, it’s worse than that. Now it’s grind for a chance of progress, instead of grind for progress.


Recently I’ve realised that it’s impossible to collect all the troops. This brilliant and absolutely new idea came to me after my personal fiasco with cosmic dragons and sentinels.

I won’t be able to see equal numbers in the troops section as I used to have in the past. This means, there’s no more FOMO to me. No more FOMO - no more necessity to make in-game purchases.


Congratulations. I’m guessing you are not this poor person, then?

Yes… for sure… if the rng treats you well, the completionist self will not be unhappy. I’m not sure that the person drawing 69 duplicate cosmic dragons, and still not getting the 6th, can be expected to be happy. :eyes: :woman_shrugging:


Absolutely. That’s the plus side. No sense chasing the unattainable. Spend that cash elsewhere! It still leaves those of us who enjoy completing things with a gaping hole where fun used to be.


There are weapons that are permanently paywalled eg. Crescendo, Festival Staff, Sun and Moon, etc. that impede progress, especially for those who are strictly F2P. Not to mention how difficult it is to comes across Books of Deeds needed to level up Kingdoms.

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Holy sh…ok, I might have rage quit by now if that happened to me. I was angry enough when I got up to 9 blue dragons. But 17???


It took them 5 more dragons (since that screenshot) to get the final one.


Wow. That is some stubborn! Glad they finally got it!