Come Give Your Vote - Your Thoughts

  • The game has evolved into more of a frustration, non fun hassle grind.
  • Still anticipating the fun of logging in to play the game?

0 voters

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If with the second option you meant still enjoying the game, it should be the obvious and the only choice.

Like no one"s forced/chained/paid/etc to play the game. Why on earth would someone continue to play an unenjoyable game?:person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging:


I still enjoy playing, I run 2 guilds across 2 platforms so I must do, however the grind does wear everyone down including me so I agree with the frustration but not the ‘non-fun’. I was just getting to the point on PS4 where I was pretty much caught up to those who have been playing since the beginning when the new update dropped.
Maybe I feel the frustration more as I haven’t been able to get on & play since the update happened, which inevitably makes you feel like you’re falling behind & missing out? Rerun the vote in a week & you may get different answers…

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Would love to see everyone cast a vote

This game won’t last on consoles mark my words