Color font in game chat channel guide

example:[aaff00]hello :grin:


Ummm not sure how well these work. I just tried the code to turn my posts purple. Instead it changed my name orange and my posts green. Very odd.

maybe some color code isn’t correct,my fault :sweat_smile:

I tried two different reds and they ended up the same lol. I think there may be some limits as to what the game will accept, not your fault.

Replying cause I know I will be using this like crazy.


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hi thank you for this I don’t know what I would do with out this so thank you

You can also use

  • [b] (bold)
  • [s] (strike-through)
  • [i] (italics) and
  • [u] (underline)

Not sure if there are others.


How do you turn those off? (back to regular font)

Asking for a friend. (I lie, asking for an alt. A good alt though, not the kind that trolls).

I like ff0000 (red). ffffff for back to white. Only 2 colors I use. I’ve seen some purples and blues that are so dark they hurts my eyeses, and would hate to do that to others.

But oh, the fun I could’ve had in Guild Chat had I been able to use bold, italics, strike-through and underline in the past for emphasis.

Use a forward slash → /

So, [/s], [/b], etc.

Also, for reverting from coloured text to whatever it was previously, follow this handy hint from @cky!

That one blew my mind a little :stuck_out_tongue:


This is news! And here I was retyping the old color to get back to white :exploding_head:


Me too, friendo, me too.

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Thx I have always wanted to know the codes

where do u get color codes from

Go to your favorite search engine (Google, Bing, etc.) and search “color hex codes”. This will show you a variety of websites that offer hex codes for various colors.