CLIFFY Error & Citadel Bug Update

Hello Adventurers, :slight_smile:

We’re aware that there were several issues that occurred this past week.

Firstly, the Mass Vulnerable Citadels issue

  • Where a number of Citadels became vulnerable before their schedule, and in some cases, prevented some Citadels from having a proper voting period.

As a status update, this issue has been fixed, and the voting day was pushed back a day to compensate for the improper period.

Secondly the CLIFFY Error issue blocking Citadel Battles.

  • When attempting to play a Citadel Battle, during the match, finishing the battle, or upon startup, you would often get a CLIFFY Error.

The development team have since fixed this issue, and we understand that this issue was frustrating as it prevented players from obtaining resources.

As such, there will be a global mail compensation sent out in the next 24hours, which can be collected in your in-game mail.

For more information please refer to these articles here:

Again, we acknowledge and understand the impact these issues had with your enjoyment of Gems of War and we’re really sorry that you had to experience these issues.

Thank you for your patience and understanding throughout this entire process.


So… How many gold marks can we expect per region the day after a citadel win?

This information will help players spot any future bugged rewards behaviour quicker…
:blush: :vulcan_salute:


And how many citadels will become vulnerable each week? Could we please get any clarification on that?


Can we also be told how the gold mark reward scaling works, too? Just what the default amount is, and what it scales up and down to (the minimum we should expect to get and the maximum we should expect to get).
If we know how the game is supposed to work, we can tell you when it isn’t working, so it can be fixed.


If it’s more than you thought you should get it’s a bug that will immediately be fixed. If it’s less than you thought it’s working as intended.


Could you speak to what the expected Citadel schedule is, and when the game will be back on that schedule?