Charge Me Up

It would actually make sense for legendaries, but they won’t do it. I saw a post from Nimhain in a thread a while back (I’ll see if I can find it later) something along the lines that they wanted people to be able to target old legendaries, so thats why legendaries aren’t weighted. But the ultra-rares and epics currently in glory packs being weighted 3 to 1 to drops of the same rarity (this was 2 to 1 at some point, it is even worse now) by virtue of them being available to purchase in a glory pack and therefore readily available to literally everyone, even players who have just started, has never made sense to me, because it is counter to the same exact reasoning by making other troops of these same rarities harder to obtain. At best, it saves you a little bit of glory on a week where you are targeting a legendary since you don’t have to buy (as many) glory packs. At worst, it drains a significant amount more event keys while you are attempting to get, well, anything else up to mythic, or even just get a single copy of a troop from the bloated Epic rarity drop table. From the perspective of a newer account attempting to obtain the first copy of a given epic, this is also extremely obnoxious, which I can attest to personally.

Found it: