Changes to Cedric's Rewards

On another note, Darkborne’s comment here (reply #4) has a ridiculous amount of support (47 likes as of 6 March). I think that’s worth making a note of!


I’ve been keeping track of this as well. It’s a dream of mine and many others that has some nice, supportive data.:sunglasses:

Maybe we can get someone to pass this onto the dev team for this much needed feature?

@Kafka @Jeto @Bramble or anyone else?


It was already passed on quite a long time ago and it’s re-raised semi-regularly so it doesn’t get buried on the list of feedback.


Yeah just like the obnoxious feedbacks about ‘bring back old on-exit battle screen with actual data inside it’, yeyeye


And I assume that it “semi-regularly” gets blown off as not important as evidenced by releasing a new set of dragons under the same stupid pure rng mechanic.


Maybe the feedback just ends up getting sent to the wrong place? Like to an old Salty account that nobody ever looks at any longer? Has there ever been any response at all from the feedback channel the past years? :thinking:


Ya se consigue la reina de bastos ? Si o no ?

Next Tuesday.

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The thought just crawled through my mind, that for players, who are trying to catch up (a special hi to new accounts, if those still exist), this actually means, that the risk to get a duplicate is increased.
Your attempts to make things better on one end of the playerbase makes them worse for others. Those gambling mechanics are a horrible approach.

And about

How many years would that have been by now? And do you honestly believe, it is not implemented for all that time, because it may have been “buried” under other ideas?
If you are actually interested in passing on this suggestion, and not just parotting to make us shut up about it, and you are working within hearing distance of development, as you claim (I have strong doubts about both), then you should have ways to remind them, that are more effective than an easily deleted note.


Is it not more likely that the answer to the suggestion was “No.”?

As long as there is difficulty in obtaining a troop then the paid approach will be much more appealing to those can (and want to) afford it. As each new tarot troop dilutes the pool it is more likely that late-game players interested in keeping their collection up-to-date will buy the pass.

IP2 have an interest in maintaining a base of players willing to fund the game. F2P’ers also rely on those funds indirectly.

But if you’re F2P, and not paying, then you get what you are given.

Very likely, yes. But this is not what our professional fairytale teller and sugarcoater claims. And who are we, to doubt someone, who works “within a few meters” from development.

I get the argument, that there needs to be some pressure to pay money into the game. However I would say, getting a headstart with the troop plus a load of other (quite notable) rewards is more than enough to bring those who are eager to spend on board. Improvements on the vault system would not mean a significant devaluation of the campaign pass (just as the soulforge does not harm kingdom passes).
However, as mentioned in the first part, endgamers, who already own all troops except for the latest one, are not the only group to keep in mind. There are no monetary options to directly get troops from previous campaigns. Keeping those behind the rigged roulette wheel only frustrates players, who would still need them.


The draw to the Campaign Passes aren’t the Tarot cards. They just happen to be there. Take out some of the other rewards like Books and the Mythic troop and see how many people buy the pass just for the Tarot card.


congrats @Jerry_the_skunk my opinion since release

Confirming queen of wands and valhawk both in vault - I got one of each today.