Changes to Cedric's Rewards

i think the spawn rate of verse gnomes is already very high, for me it is around 43%, others tested and say around 45%

So…now it’s only one copy of Cedric from an epic key instead of previous four copies? Nothing about that in the opening post.

(For what it’s worth - 2 Cedric drops from 27 epic keys. Must keep an eye on more key openings.)


Still 1 too many!


Why not just change the gnomes appearing in the vault, each giving specific prizes, such as dragonite gnome giving dragonite, Cedric still throwing Cedrics, The one I can’t remember still giving us random stuff like those minor traitstones… Moar gnomes could be orbsie gnome and book of deedsies gnome…

No! Actually just forget what I said!!! Just had a vision of vault with 4 Cedrics, the nightmare…

I think its time they started adding some of the newer soulforge crafting item like dragonite and cursed runes to the drop table !!!



This means Tarot cards will automatically be added to the Vault Rewards 4 weeks after the event they first appear in has ended.

Has anyone pulled a Queen of Wands yet? Today marks 4 weeks since the Mydnight pass ended.

I am certainly getting a lot higher rate of tarot cards, just not this one yet.

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It’s true it says that, and it’s always been typical in the past that they give us this vague, open-ended release window of months, which was usually forgotten, but it directly conflicts with the information in this more recent thread about changes to Cedric rewards.

With the amount of Cedrics I get from the using vault keys, i’d have thought it was a common troop that I was using gold chest keys on to get. If he was a common and not legendary, I could have made him a mythic 10x over or more.


Just a bump to see if Queen of Wands, The Mydnight King or Dread Captain Grim are in chests yet (as per above question noting it has been 4 weeks)?

I have seen Dread Captain Grim in our guild chat; someone found it two days ago.


I’ve opened 1000 vault keys and around 150 epic vault keys. I still haven’t gotten a single copy of Empress who I want the most. It’s ridiculous and frustrating…


It might be the only reason I buy campaign and kingdom pass. The pool is only going to get larger.

And again, there will be no response from the devs to cap tarot cards at 4, so at least u could work towards getting the tarot card u’re missing.

“Step right up and spin the wheel!”
"Let’s see here…The emperor again!":face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


They want people to spend money on campaigns to be guaranteed the tarot & mythic troop. No FOMO if they do so.

The point is, I was on a hiatus from the game when the campaign happened. So when I’ve rejoined the game, there is absolutely no way to get it even if I want to pay money too except vault key opening.

Mydnight was released before the changes, so I assume it’s going by the timeframe mentioned in the blog linked in this linked post.

Fingers-crossed the 4 weeks timeframe in the top post doesn’t turn out to be a typo two years later :thinking::person_shrugging:

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It shouldn’t, the whole point of the automated process is to replace the manual process in the linked post. Going by the way the issue is being ignored, the automated process doesn’t work at all and they have no idea how to get it fixed.


So, if the queen of wands is being added following the old logic, and Judgement us being added automatically a few weeks after current campaign ends…then they will be released together to the vault.
But also, the posts states that the LAST tarot that gets added has a slight better drop rate than the others.
This means problems… It’s better to release queen of wands now, and Judgement in the automatic way to prevent issues with the drop rates


True! Both you and and Pim

  • Would be good to have clarity on how Queen of Wands is being added, manually or automatically and if the latter, when it’s scheduled

  • Better to release Queen of Wands in the new timeframe (i.e. now, more than 4 weeks after campaign end), to avoid issues with conflicting increased drop rates