Changes in Community/Support

What’s this about disenchanting 2 War Goats? :thinking:

Bye @kafka and @Bramble you will be missed!

At least now I understand why the forum was so quiet and there was literary zero response from devs and community managers!

Welcome new team!
Hope you learn fast!


I got a Hellspawn! What is the game trying to tell me? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Sorry to see you go! You handled a tough job and a tougher crowd very well! Good luck in your future! I will miss your presence.


Good luck and Godspeed, @Kafka.:lion:

I will definitely miss our lovely lion in the forums.:sob:
I know there is much that you have done behind the scenes that we will never know about. This “transition phase” is going to be hard on all of us. And now, we are left wondering where all of our feature requests and bug reports are going.

Probably still into the endless void…

And let’s get ready to welcome @Sokun. You have some pretty paws to fill!


@Kafka and @Bramble

Thank you so much for all you have done for the community and the game in general.

I wish you the best of luck.


@Kafka and @Bramble

We’ll miss having you all around. Thanks for your support and best wishes on wherever you end up.

I hate Goodbyes and I’m not good in that ~ take care, hope you have an interesting new job, Kafka and Bramble!

Welcome Sokun, hope you have good nerves:)

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I figured last week’s event title “Closing Time” had a secondary meaning. I guess the game’s owners continue to drive profitability and giving ur roles to one employee in another company is a way to do that. Shame that service is not as tangible a measure.

All the best to you both in future.

I will wait, with very bated breath, to see how these changes will improve or deteriorate the GoW experience.


Looking forward to getting to know you all! I’ve got a decade of meta to catch up to so please excuse any delays!


just play the game and understand our concerns and we will all ready be better off


Sorry you’re leaving @Kafka, it was nice to see a familiar face on the forum here, trying to hear out community concerns. I’ll never forget randomly bumping into you on Switch general chat early in my Gems career, thought that was pretty cool to see a dev willing to get into the weeds with the community. Good luck on whatever’s coming next!


Sorry to see you leave @Bramble and @Kafka . Good luck on your new jobs!

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This is probably the best advice given. @Sokun
Make yourself a dev account with everything unlocked and play all the game modes to learn the game.

What we need from you is a CX team member who fully understands why we have complaints and concerns.
I know, this is not a task to accomplish in a week or two but the more you know the better for both sides.


:point_up_2: This, @Sokun

We need a mod who understands and is dedicated enough to follow up on the negative feedback whenever it arises, instead of ignoring it, deleting it/locking threads, or banning those who post the evidence of whatever is the issue.

Here’s to hoping
:crossed_fingers: :vulcan_salute:


@kafka @bramble wishing you the best for the future :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Welcome @sokun

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@Kafka and @Bramble

Thank you both, and good luck on your future endeavors!

[quote=“Kafka, post:13, topic:86980”]
I’ve told them, if they’re not sure about anything you’re discussing to literally just tell you all and ask you. It can be daunting to admit you’re not sure about everything in the game you’re working on - but I think you will all help them like you helped me so they can be the best community liaison for you they can be. It’s also hard because you all have a million abbreviations for things to learn haha
[/quote]strong text

Not sure what I broke in this post, but this part is CRUCIAL! We need better community involvement from the devs. Kafka and Bramble, you guys will be missed. Kafka, it was a blast, interacting with you on the Xbox forums, years ago. It’s sad to see gems continue to lose good people.

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@Kafka and @Bramble

Thank you for your many years of help. You have always been polite and welcoming. And you’ve received a lot of unfair criticism because you’re the face of the company and you’ve been collecting all the reviews. But we are grateful to you! You have helped me and my guild many times. Thank you. And I wish you new opportunities. Good luck on your way. :heart:

Now support has changed hands, what time will you be on and what time zone?

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