Voulez bien me dire c’est quoi le but de censurer pleins de mots et d’en ajouter à tout bout de champ? Il arrive souvent à plusieurs personnes d’écrire des mots en français et d’avoir des partis du mot censuré. Pouvez-vous amoindrir la censure pour les français, s’il vous plait? Je sais que le sujet a déjà été exposé, plusieurs fois, mais pouvez-nous nous laissez discuter entre nous, dans notre guilde? Sur le salon global, ok, c’est justifié, mais en guilde, pas vraiment, c’est la responsabilité du Maître de guilde et des membres, de sanctionner ceux qui utilisent à outrance, ces mots-là.
Please tell me what is the point of censoring lots of words and adding more all the time? It often happens to several people to write words in French and have parts of the word censored. Can you lessen the censorship for French people, please? I know the subject has already been discussed several times, but can we let us discuss it among ourselves, in our guild? On the global chatroom, ok, it’s justified, but in the guild, not really, it’s the responsibility of the Guild Master and the members to sanction those who use these words excessively.
There will never be a difference in censorship and guidelines between Global Chat, and Guild Chat. The same rules and censorship apply for both.
That being said, I know some censorship lists were recently updated, that have likely affected words that shouldn’t be censored, due to a censored word being contained within it.
If you have any specific words that are causing the biggest issues, please share them and I can pass them on ASAP to be resolved!
If i wrote the word “renonce”, in french, the “nonce” will be *****.
I’ll add other word when i see other.
The word “tard”, in french, that mean “late” is censored, because of the word “retard”.
The “semen” in “heureusement” is censored.
It’s interesting that the German version also censors words used by the game itself!
So in every “Königreich” (kingdom) there is logically the term “Königreich”, but when I write about Königreiche (kingdoms) with my guild, part of it is censored!
Well said. People take words out of context all of the time. Bad words don’t make you a bad person, and things like this get misunderstood all the time because we take words out of their original context.
But the real point is that you can’t communicate properly within your own guild or even the global chat because standard words are always marked with an asterisk…
If you couldn’t/were not allowed to write the word “kingdom” in the English version, you would understand how annoying that is!
Thought this had already been resolved, but passed it on to follow up.
Same with Ridiculous.
Also should note, I understand that this update in the list of censored terms is frustrating, especially when it catches a normal word that happens to have a censored word within it. The team is always updating and refreshing these so they are picking up what they are intended to catch, and we can pass on any other words that are being missed or incorrectly blocked.